Cloth Diapering

BG4.0- keeps leaking on me

Like, literally on me. She never leaks any time except when she's nursing and therefore lying on her side. Does that just mean I need to tighten the leg openings or is something else going on? Is this inevitable?

Re: BG4.0- keeps leaking on me

  • They might be too big around the legs still......maybe wait until she bulks up and try again.  How much does she weigh?

    photo 7ce353dd-36ff-42be-84c5-8548c1d4fa1cjpg
    BFP #1 11/28/09 ~ EDD 8/6/10 ~ DS Born 8/9/10
    BFP #2 8/27/13 ~ EDD 5/8/14 ~ Natural MC 9/18/13 at 6 weeks, 6 days
    BFP#3 3/28/14 ~ EDD 12/7/14 ~ DD Born 11/21/14
    BFP#4 6/15/17 ~ EDD 2/20/18
  • Do you use snaps? Maybe snap the bottom/second snap one notch tighter than the other one so the leg holes are smaller?
    Lilypie Third Birthday tickers
    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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