I am 24 weeks, and we are trying to narrow down our name choices. Last name starts with a P (2 syllables), and really love the following names:
Evelyn Rose (Would probably call her Evie)
Avery Leanne
Emerson Rose (Would probably call her Emme)
Opinions or suggestions on similar names appreciated! Thanks!
DD1 born 04.05.01 (41w1d)
DD2 born 06.21.11 (39w)
Re: Undecided on Girl Names
I like all 3... Evelyn, Avery , Emerson in that order.
I know someone that named there DD Alexis Leanne
DD1, Kathleen 9/15/2007
Evelyn Rose.
Avery is okay, but NMS.
I have a secret affection for Emerson, but I studied English and literature in college. If Ralph Waldo Emerson has no significance to you, I really don't think using his name is a good choice.
I feel like I have seen all three of these names on here multiple times a day.
By default, Evelyn Rose, but I'll be honest and tell you I like Evelyn a little less every time I see it. I do like the nn Evie though. What about Eva or Eve?
Growing Up Olson
I wholeheartedly agree.
I just said on another post that Evelyn is one of the few "old lady names" that doesn't do anything for me. There are several other much more beautiful classic names out there.
I do love Avery. Even though I understand it is/used to be a male name, I've never seen it that way. It's all girl to me, and it's beautiful. Is Leanne a family name?
Emerson is meh to me. I do think it sounds more masculine, and again, I just think there are more beautiful names out there.
So my vote is Avery by far!!
All of this for me! I absolutely LOVE Avery and have for years but DH hates it