
I told my story yesterday *kinda*

Hey Ladies! I haven't posted in a while, I have been VERY busy with work, life, and a 2 yr old. Yesterday I had an all day meeting with my area Lions Clubs and I was promoting our Blankets for Babies Project. The project was started to collect blankets for foster kids in CA. I started off by telling everyone a story of a young woman over a decade ago finding out she was pregant and putting that baby up for adoption. Then I went into how the baby was fortunate to be adopted but there were thousands of children in the foster system who are not so lucky and need help with clothes, shoes, blankets, etc. I promoted the project and then I asked if everyone would like to know what happened to the woman and baby in my story. Several people said yes, (which surprised me) and I told them the baby was 9 1/2 now and travelled with her family. The woman was standing before them asking them for assistance in helping other children.

I think I shocked several people. Oh, and the person in charge of the bulletin asked if she could put my story in the newsletter for next month. :)

Re: I told my story yesterday *kinda*

  • You are one brave woman! I'm so proud of you for telling your story, and what a great way to do it!
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Moved to Domestic Adoption 9/09 Matched 10/09 Sweet little Luke was born 12/9/09!
  • imageMrsKolasa:
    You are one brave woman! I'm so proud of you for telling your story, and what a great way to do it!

    Nah, not brave but thank you for saying so. I just wanted to put a personal touch on the story. I actually came up with the project from thinking of K's adoption and how could we help kids & youth. The project was "born" from that. The project has been very successful too. In 6 months I have collected 200 blankets.

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  • imagehersheykiss:

    You are one brave woman! I'm so proud of you for telling your story, and what a great way to do it!

    Nah, not brave but thank you for saying so. I just wanted to put a personal touch on the story. I actually came up with the project from thinking of K's adoption and how could we help kids & youth. The project was "born" from that. The project has been very successful too. In 6 months I have collected 200 blankets.

    That is awesome that it has been so successful! What a great idea. Hopefully it just continues to grow!

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Moved to Domestic Adoption 9/09 Matched 10/09 Sweet little Luke was born 12/9/09!
  • How awesome.

    Glad to see you back around.

  • Well done friend
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