Parenting after 35

Surgery report

Awwww thanks you guys for all the well wishes and t&p's, that was so sweet!  Surgery went really well.  Not eating or drinking this morning was no big deal because he watched his Sesame Street DVD on the drive down there then he watched cartoons in the waiting room at the surgery center and was in surgery by 8 a.m.  The fistula/tract was only a couple inches long, ran up his neck but stopped before his throat, so it only took a half hour to remove it.  The worst part was handing him off to the nurse to be taken to anesthesia fully awake, no sedative (for me or the baby!) and then coming out of anesthesia afterwards he cried for a long time and was inconsolable which the nurse said happens with 40% of kids.  But they gave him a double dose of Tylenol for pain and they discharged us as soon as they pulled out his IV.  We stopped at Jack in the Crack on the drive home from Reno and he ate a whole grilled cheese sandwich and some fries, poor guy was hungry! (Yeah I know, bad mommy...I hadn't brought food with me because I didn't think he'd want to eat so soon afterwards!  My vet always tells me not to feed the dogs until the evening after surgery so I thought kids were the same)  He doesn't have stiches, just steri strips on his neck and they have to stay on until they wear off so hopefully he won't mess with them.  This is the fifth surgery our family has had at a surgery center rather than in a hospital and it's always so nice to be processed so and out within a few hours! Wink  Anyway we are home and Simon is down for his nap, so far so good!
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