DD was 10.2 and about 11 days early. My water broke the night before we were scheduled for a CS. We just had an US with #2 (32 weeks) and baby is already 6 pounds and expected to be over 10 by delivery.
If you had a big baby, did it come early? and was that bc you went into labor or bc you had a planned CS?
My doc says they will only schedule a CS for 1 week prior to due date. Is that what you guys have heard too?
Re: Did you deliver your big baby early?
Logan was not huge (8lbs 10oz), but I had him spontaneously at 39w4d.
I know at Good Sam anyway, they are not allowed to schedule any inductions or c-sections before 39 weeks unless there are some extenuating circumstances. Just having a presumably large baby, is not one of those circumstances. It is something they are really cracking down on. Good luck!
He came on 2/13 and he was 8 lbs. 15 oz.
I was induced because of BP and ended up with a C/S
My son was 10.1 and he was delivered via c/s at 39 weeks. It was a planned c/s, but not because of his weight, it was because I had a previous c/s for failure to progress during labor.
You could have shocked everyone in the world with his birthweight. My first was only 7.13 and my doctor was estimating this one to be around 8.5. However, he did tell me when we were scheduling the c/s, under no circumstances would he do a routine induction or c/s before 39 weeks. That's also with Seven Hills doctors in Anderson/Milford, isn't that who you see? I think it is both a Mercy Hospital as well as doctor office policy.
Tyler Anthony arrived on 9.21.09
The Chronicles of Justin and Tyler
We have an u/s next week to see if this little girl is getting big, because they are afraid of a shoulder distocia (sp?). Eli got stuck and so did I as an infant, so they just want to make sure that if she is large we do a scheduled c/s. However with that said, my Bp is starting to creep up, so I am betting I get induced a week early regardless, just like last time. My OB also does 1 week before the due date on a Wednesday for inductions. So I have been kinda targeting mentally that I will have Addy around 3/23 or 3/24.
And good lord, 6lbs already!!! You poor dear woman! I wish you the best of luck and a really really good anesteciologist (ignore my horrible spelling of medical terms... lol).
Elijah Matthew - 5/3/07 ~ Adalyn Rosemary - 3/23/11
*Photos by Kacy Cierley*
My ob/gyn never suggested a C/S for size. I spontaneously went into labor at 36 weeks and they stopped it. Then had to be induced at 37 weeks due to toxemia.