Ok I "get" that it's easier for them to say "Dada".....but really? I'm home with them ALL DAY and for the last 6 weeks all I've heard morning until night is "Dadaadadada"...and now it SEEMS like A is starting to say "Dada" with purpose.
DH could tell I was ready for the "Mamama" to start so he's always saying it to them. Last night I THOUGHT I heard A say it..but I also that it was a mirage. An imaginary "mama" palm tree in the midst of a "Dada" desert. Now today three or four times I've found her saying "mamamamama."
I'm 100% sure that she is not actually calling me "Mama," but it doesn't matter! I'm just so happy to hear ANYTHING else but "Dadadada!!!"
Re: "Mama" Babbling- THANK GOD!
E says Bob or maybe its bababababa
And Z says DaDa.
I can't wait till they say mama!
An imaginary "mama" palm tree in the midst of a "Dada" desert
Heheheh I laughed at this too.
I'd take any noise other than crying today.
After 2 rounds of IVF & 2 rounds of FET, we were blessed with identical twin girls!