March 2011 Moms

A few questions...

1) Is anyone taking more than 6 weeks?  I want to take 12 but I haven't talked to my doctor about it yet.  I will at my appointment on Friday.  Did anyone get any pushback from their doctors regarding the length of leave?

2) I'm getting my first internal on Friday.  How painful is it?  I went to an RE before getting pregnant, and I was Clomid.  He checked me once a month to make sure there were no issues due to the Clomid...I'm kind of assuming it will be like that?

3) Anyone else feel like everything in their abdomen is going to fall out when you stand/move?

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Re: A few questions...

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    I'm going to be a SAHM so I guess that counts as longer than 6 weeks :)  The internal was mainly uncomfortable, Its similar to the internal checks they do on your ovaries and ute during a non pregnant pap.  So far I haven't had the feeling that things are going to fall out but I'm pretty sure LO hasn't dropped yet either.
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    I can really only answer the first question-I'm taking 12 weeks of Family Leave, which brings me to the end of the school year. Technically I'll get around 5ish months off (including the summer) and I will go back in September.
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    I had an internal today, and I agree with PP - it feels like a normal vaginal exam, more or less. My OB told me to "wiggle my toes" during it, which I thought was funny - I wonder what body part he will want me to move during labor. 

    As for the others, I freelance and I'm giving myself at least six weeks off - maybe eight. And I do feel the "falling out" feeling, but only when I'm getting out of the pool. It's like after an hour of being weightless, my belly feels immense.  

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    I can only respond to 1 and 2.  

    1.  I'll be a SAHM so I'll be taking more than 12 weeks

    2.  I didn't think the internal hurt at all.  My doctor and I chatted and I barely noticed it.   

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    1. I am taking 12 weeks unpaid FMLA.  This will take me to almost the end of the School year, have to go back to work for 2 weeks then have another 1 off of school. Originally was going to only take 6 but I do not think I will be ready to leave my son!

     2.I have had 3 internals so far.  The first two didnt hurt at all but last one at 38 weeks hurt! I think because I was dialated and my cervix was still pretty far back. It wasnt excruciating though, just enough to make me grimace.

     3.My baby dropped a few weeks ago and I know the feeling about baby falling out.  A bit uncomfortable to walk!

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    1: I'm taking 10 weeks. It's a combo of Short Term Disability from work and saved up vacation time. It's also during my FMLA. I'd love to take the full 12 weeks but I don't think we can afford 2 weeks with no pay. My doctor is only writing me out for 6 weeks or 8 weeks depending on delivery. If something goes wrong or I'm having issues, she'll write me out for more.

    2. I'm getting my first internal Thursday and I'm actually REALLY nervous for some reason!

    3. Yes. Yes. and YES! My belly feels so heavy to me. I feel like it's just attached to my body by the skin. Ughh! And when I walk! WOW! I swear she could come right out if I jumped hard enough.  

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    1) Is anyone taking more than 6 weeks?  I want to take 12 but I haven't talked to my doctor about it yet.  I will at my appointment on Friday.  Did anyone get any pushback from their doctors regarding the length of leave?

    2) I'm getting my first internal on Friday.  How painful is it?  I went to an RE before getting pregnant, and I was Clomid.  He checked me once a month to make sure there were no issues due to the Clomid...I'm kind of assuming it will be like that?

    3) Anyone else feel like everything in their abdomen is going to fall out when you stand/move?


    1. I want to take about 10.  My doctor doesn't control how long I stay out, I do.  I'm not even really going to ask her, unless she thinks I need to be home for longer than 10.  I don't get paid during my leave, so, this is why I think it's really out of her control.  

    2. Haven't had one. My OB doesn't do them until 40w.  So. hopefully I won't have one with this pregnancy!! 

    3. Yes.  

    Baby Boy Born 3.15.11. 8lb 9oz, 21.75in. 6 month stats: 20lb 11oz (92%tile), 30.12in.(100%tile - who knew it went over 99th? Which means 100% of other 6 month olds are shorter than mine!)
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    1. I'm taking 12, legally while the US has no formal paid maternity leave law, every company has to legally hold a job for you for 12 weeks as long as you qualify for FMLA (been working there more than a year, full time, etc whatever the FMLA requirements are). Why would your doctor have anything to do with the time off you take???? It's your decision

    2. I've had a ridiculous amount of internals from 3 different docs. 2 it was just uncomfortable the one I never want to see him when I need one again because he hurt!!!

    3. Not really but if it's uncomfortable or making your back hurt, a maternity support belt may help!

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