March 2011 Moms

Ok. Now I'm p*ssed.

(See my post below)

I put a call into the nurse at the OB office and she just called me back and said "Uh, Dr. _____ saw your message and she doesn't treat feet. So you'll need to call a different doctor for that."

 I said, "I know that.. I just didn't know if it could be caused from the swelling."

Nurse, "well, swollen feet is a normal part of pregnancy so there's nothing we can do for that."

WTF? Are you kidding me. I'm in so much pain I couldn't even go to work! If swelling can cause carpal tunnel in your hand/wrist.. then why wouldn't it do something to your feet as well? And I'm not a f*cking idiot, I know she doesn't treat feet.

I have officially broken down into tears.

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Re: Ok. Now I'm p*ssed.

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    Unfortunately my doctor basically gave me the same answer Sad except it was more "this is end of pregnancy stuff... don't worry, it will be over soon."  Not really what I wanted to hear when I cannot fit one pair of shoes on my feet (or socks for that matter) and it is only 32 degrees outside.  I feel your pain (literally.)

    Oh - and I did find that soaking my feet in epsom salts did help for a little bit.  I can barely walk either because I'm so swollen and my toes don't work and I did find that it gave me a little relief.  Hope that helps you too.

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    So sorry!  They should have handled that better.  The truth is even when I talk to the doctor it is often:  this is a normal part of pregnancy.  Baths help me stay sane.  Maybe that will help.  I wouldn't bother looking for another doctor... really you are supposed to find a new doc, get an appointment, go there, wait... all without being able to walk.  



    Grrr.... Sorry, but try to relax.  Sometimes the pains go away unexpectantly when you take it easy. 

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    That's ridiculous! Even if the dr didn't want to treat you for your feet the nurse could have been more respectful and sympathetic over the phone and at least given you a couple of tips to ease the pain. Not to mention shouldn't they be at least slightly concerned about swelling because that can be a sign of pregnancy complications like pre-e?!? Jerks! I'm sorry Sad
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    That's ridiculous! Even if the dr didn't want to treat you for your feet the nurse could have been more respectful and sympathetic over the phone and at least given you a couple of tips to ease the pain. Not to mention shouldn't they be at least slightly concerned about swelling because that can be a sign of pregnancy complications like pre-e?!? Jerks! I'm sorry Sad

    Exactly. Ok, well I'm pretty sure not being able to walk isn't a good sign, but whatever. There's no reason to be a complete b*tch about things.

    imageLilypie First Birthday tickers
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    That's ridiculous! Even if the dr didn't want to treat you for your feet the nurse could have been more respectful and sympathetic over the phone and at least given you a couple of tips to ease the pain. Not to mention shouldn't they be at least slightly concerned about swelling because that can be a sign of pregnancy complications like pre-e?!? Jerks! I'm sorry Sad

    I agree with this. There's no reason for the attitude.

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    Have you tried compression socks?  Those might help wtih the swelling, along with keeping your feet elevated.  I would ask your doctor first though. 

    Hopefully you'll get relief soon.

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