March 2011 Moms

Quin's Due Date Present To Me

He slept 4 straight hours!!!!! I almost don't know what to do with myself this morning since I feel so rested. Ha. I never imagined I would be so excited for 4 uninterrupted hours of sleep. DH and I have been sharing nightly duties - he changes the diapers and I feed, but last night I just took it all myself since I know DH has a really busy week. Needless to say he was super grateful this morning. The only downside to this was the incredible chest pressure I felt since I have been used to feeding him every 2 to 3 hours. I know my body will adjust if this is a lasting trend (fingers crossed).

 I can't believe this little person has been in my life more than 3 weeks and wasn't even scheduled to be here until today. I'm so happy he decided to come early (with no complications) and we have been able to enjoy each other.

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Re: Quin's Due Date Present To Me

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    Yay for sleep!!  I unfortunately was not so lucky....Both the girls were skwaking all night long...Luckily right now I have my MIL helping she did let me get a little sleep and took over duties for a little bit...I'm still soo sleepy!  I hope it is a lasting trend for you! 

    Livian Elizabeth and Alayna Marjorie!  On their way to 3!
    Lilypie - (mtvk)
    Lilypie - (WdLV)
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