Wish me luck.
I'm headed to the dr's office to talk about the early scheduling of my c/s - 40 weeks, when we had originally agreed upon 41 weeks. I'm hoping it goes well and they agree to move the c/s back a week as originally planned.
I really don't want to rub them the wrong way, b/c they have been so generous with how they've planned and organized the c/s to make it special for me. Apparently I have the best anesthesiologist, I know I have the best match for a surgeon/obgyn and everyone is on board for having a doula and my husband at the c/s birth.
On the flip side, I think I might be experiencing mild contractions. They are definitely not braxton hicks and feel slightly uncomfortable. Gas pains, down low, but super mild, nothing to get excited for. I plan on walking like crazy today after my appt.
Best of Luck to all of us!
Re: Headed to Dr's Office to Advocate for Self
I'm back. Unfortunately the dr felt that going past 40 weeks was unsafe b/c of increased risk of rupture and decreased chance of success. He negotiated moving c/s to 40 W 4 D, which is a little longer away.
Hmm . .still processing.
Well, at least it's some more time...and if you're feeling *something* hopefully that's a good sign!