I have 5 follicles several of which are not even mature, really 2 only looked good. I cannot believe that on the highest dose I had one ovary that didn't even respond at all. I had a better response with femara and follistim alone.
DH turned to me as I was crying and said 'maybe God doesn't want us to have any more children.' He wants to take at least six months off if this doesn't work out. Feeling a little lost today.
Re: Bad news yet again
Crap, I'm so sorry.
I know the lost feeling, I'm there, too. I have no idea what to say, except to offer huge hugs.
And, if you want a silver lining, we got pg with DS on a break cycle. (if you don't, just tell me to eff off. Might make you feel better
Oh no!!! I am so sorry!! I am sending you huge hugs!!! I hope everything works out for you...
"Just keep swimming, just keep swimming..."