March 2011 Moms

Ticker Change Monday

37 weeks and full term - woo hoo!

Re: Ticker Change Monday

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    ::: jumps up and down :::

    Me too, me too!!!!!! I am ready to meet this little man who has been making me feel oh-so uncomfortable the past few weeks :):)

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    ::: jumps up and down :::

    Me too, me too!!!!!! I am ready to meet this little man who has been making me feel oh-so uncomfortable the past few weeks :):)

    Me too!! Yay! I have an appt. this afternoon and hope to hear that all of my bedrest restrictions have been lifted, too. 

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    Me too, but I'm only 36 weeks!! Oh well, I still feel accomplished to have made it this far and the realization that EDD is in exactly a month is kind of scary!!!  I'm totally ready for it, but it seems it took forever for me to move from TTC to expecting and now the whole pregnancy has flown by!!  Can't wait until next week to be where you ladies are!! Smile  Congrats!!
    Anniversary Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    36w for me today!  Had an u/s this AM and baby measured 7lbs 13ozs! I now know that most likely no newborn sized things will fit him ;)  It is getting so real now!
    IAmPregnant Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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