March 2011 Moms

39 weeks and p*ssy as ever...

So today I am 39 weeks. I am about to disable my facebook, put a sign in my cubicle saying KEEP OUT, and completely stop talking to everyone I know. I am SO SICK of the same stupid questions OVER AND OVER! "You haven't had that baby yet?" Does it effin look like it?! "Hurry up and have him" Yeah - cause I have a say in this. "Are you excited?" Not really I've been pregnant for almost 10 months and there is no end in sight - the excitement seems useless as it feels like he's never going to come OUT! I can't sleep anymore, I'm uncomfortable, and BORED out of my mind.

Is anybody else super over it and cranky and how are you dealing with it/not punching everyone who says anything to you?

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Re: 39 weeks and p*ssy as ever...

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    Not yet, but I guess I'm "lucky" since I had DS at 40w6d so the expectations are low from family/friends this time around!  Big Smile  Have you reminded them that the average first time mom goes past their EDD?  I know once I was closer to 40w and beyond I just stopped answering the phone and only talked to people when I wanted to.  Of course I also had PIH so keeping my bp down made it easier for people to listen I think. 

    What is your plan with work?  I know at the end it can get mentally tough, so hang in there! 

    DS born via c/s 11/08 and med-free GD VBAC DD 3/11! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    I want to work up until I deliver so I can have more time with him after but I don't know how much more of these people I can stand. I know they don't mean to be annoying and repetitive but they are and I'm pretty much worthless here now anyway (Not allowed to perform most of my job functions now). I am taking 9 weeks total and today is the first day I considered saying "I'm done as of my due date 3/7 whether he's here or not" but then he'd probably come at 42w. Bad baby! I am just so tired and cranky but I can't sleep for more than a hour at a time!
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    Yep.I'm there and I still have 4 weeks to go. I try to just plaster a smile on my face and nod to people. It is frusterating but they really don't get it lol
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    I'm there!!  If one more person says "you're still here??" or "you should go home until you have the baby" I'm going to scream.  Because unless they plan on paying me to sit on my rear at home I will be here until LO decides to make her appearance.

     And on that note..I REALLY don't need to be reminded every 5 minutea about how gianormous I am, or how I woddle.  I'm not woddling..I'm limping in pain. Angry

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    At least I have learned all the things you should NEVER to say to a pregnant woman in her last days!

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    I am also over it.  Just the questions.  "How are you feeling?", "Are you getting excited?", "Is he moving right now?  Can I feel him?".  I just want to be left alone.
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    Ditto to everything said above. I also enjoy hearing "You look like you are about to pop!" and "you're huge!" and "look at that waddle!". I want to respond to everyone with a giant smile on my face and a middle finger in their face.

    Big Smile 

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    Agreeing to everything!  I was in target the other day checking out and the probably 30 something year old woman in front of me put her hand on her cheek, her mouth dropped and she said, "You are just sooooooooo big." 

    Seriously?  Who does that?  I wanted to point out her most unattractive feature at that point and ask her how it felt. 


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    So today I am 39 weeks. I am about to disable my facebook, put a sign in my cubicle saying KEEP OUT, and completely stop talking to everyone I know. I am SO SICK of the same stupid questions OVER AND OVER! "You haven't had that baby yet?" Does it effin look like it?! "

     THIS is me also. I dread coming to work. Sick of the effing questions!!! 

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    OH boyyy, i have been quite rude lately, I even posted on facebook a request that people stop pressuring us! GAH!! And now, BF's friends keep saying "Do squats, right here, right now" "Walk up the stairs five times" do this, do that. I'm not even to my due date, can we please have some space?!
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    I'm not so grouchy about the facebook thing....I actually like getting all the well-meaning messages!  It is only my first day of maternity leave so I haven't had a chance to get TOO bored yet. 

    What's making me mad is that every time I try to put batteries in something, like a swing or seat or pack and play mobile, it's like the manufacturer had some sick, twisted desire to make moms want to throw the device across the room!  Seriously, do we really need to attach the battery cover with 4 different screws that are IMPOSSIBLE to get to without taking the whole contraption apart?  And do we really need batteries of varying sizes in the same mobile?  What happened to just making a battery cover with the little pull latch, which would be much easier!  I was just trying to be prepared and install all these batteries BEFORE I have a screaming infant who wants his vibrating seat to actually vibrate.  Now there is a pile of batteries and junk on the floor for DH to figure out....

    Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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