March 2011 Moms

ahhhh! my middle finger has been numb for days...

is this pregnancy carpal tunnel? its so annoying! should I call my MW or just wait until I go see her later this week?

Re: ahhhh! my middle finger has been numb for days...

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    Sure is. I had to wear the braces and then had to get cortisone shots in my is brutal!
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    Me too!!!! My middle finger on my right hand has been numb for about 2 weeks now. It doesn't hurt, it is just so annoying! It's not affecting my daily routine, so I don't think I will say anything unless after LO gets here, it is still a problem. So glad I am not the only one!

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    Mine too, well just the tip really it makes typing and writing really difficult which sucks because I really need to get my shower thank you cards sent out! My doc/nurse said it's related to water retention/swelling.
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