A co-worker of mine had her baby one week ago tomorrow, she was one day shy of 33 weeks. She's gone home now but her little guy is in the NICU. We were supposed to have her work baby shower this Friday but it's been cancelled, of course. A bunch of us want to order some items from her registry and have them sent to her home. But one of the women brought up a good point. Do you think it will make her sad to get baby items when her baby isn't at home with her? Should we wait until we know he's at home? Any thoughts/advice would be great. Thanks!
Re: Question
Why was the shower cancelled? She still had her baby.
Honestly, the most difficult thing for me were things like that: people waiting to do showers or gifts because my babies were in the hospital.
They were still born. Even if it was early, it was still a blessing. I still wanted to celebrate and share. To talk about them and to show pictures or stories. To not have any acknowledgement was hurtful. I really resented the fact that no one called to congratulate me, or didn't send anything (not that I wanted gifts, but I knew people weren't doing anything because the girls were born early).
Later I got some gifts when the girls got home, but it wasn't the same. They were 2 months old at that point.
I would consider having the shower (or call her and ask what she would prefer) and I would definitely send a gift now.
Thank you for your opinion.
Well, one of my co-workers who is probably the closest to the gal who had her baby called her on Friday and asked if she could come by with some gifts from other people from the office, some people who aren't really that close to her but bought her something. The new mom said she didn't really want to see anyone right now, she and her husband plan on spending a lot of time at the hospital with the baby. The co-worker wanted to see if they wanted to come by the office to pick up the gifts after visiting with the baby (they live about 30 minutes from the office and the hospital is just around the corner from our office) but she didn't want to be too pushy. That's when we thought about sending the gifts to her home. As far as why the shower was cancelled, that was not my decision. The co-worker who called her on Friday was putting it all together (sending out e-mails about time and location, not in charge of buying gifts, that is) and she just sent out an e-mail last week saying the shower was cancelled since the co-worker had her baby and had started her maternity leave.
My baby was born at 26 weeks and I hadn't had my shower yet. Most people around me wanted to hurry and give me the shower-- they had the best of intentions and wanted to be sure that this was still a celebratory occasion. However, putting on a happy face and showing up at a party when I just wanted to be at the hospital with my daughter was the last thing I wanted. We were dealing with so many major things at the time (plus the shock and the emotional rollercoaster) that it just was not a good time and I couldn't care less about gifts.
That said, when I did get my shower-- a week before Annabelle was discharged-- I was on cloud 9 and definitely in a party mood. I agree with the previous poster-- go by your coworker's cues. Give her some time to adjust to this and emotionally "catch up."
This exactly.
It may be different for a 33 weeker but when my 25 weeker was born I didn't want baby stuff around. I would definitely follow her cues.
My baby shower was last week, when Sam was 3 weeks old. I was so happy to be with friends and family. However, I'm still pretty upset that no one from work reached out to me, or even acknowledged that I had a child. One person I spoke with said he didn't want to upset me or get me depressed. Nothing has made me happier than knowing so many people care about me, DH and our boy. We're excited to be getting things together for him, and awaiting the day when he can come home. My son was also here about 7 weeks before hers, with some big hurdles to jump. Maybe once the shock wears off, she'll feel the same and be excited to celebrate at a shower with you all.
I must add that I knew I would go early. I spent 7 weeks on bed rest knowing that he could come at any moment. If it were completely unexpected, she may have some additional feelings to get through and remember... the hormones right now. The hormones! She'll let you know when she's ready to have her shower. Just keep letting her know how much she means to all of you and how much you want to celebrate the arrival of her little one.
THIS. Had the same thing happen to me, and having the shower before DD was discharged allowed me time to pick up any last minute items I didn't get at the shower.