Cloth Diapering

sorry for all the ?'s today

but is the aplix on the bg 4.0s better than the 3.0s?  I have 2 4.0s which i like, but they are snaps.  I may order a few more BGs and i can't decide on aplix or snaps.  i am leaning toward aplix since she is so wiggly and its a huge fight to change her.
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Re: sorry for all the ?'s today

  • it's definatley better!  It's strong but Caiden likes to grab at the corners and pull the aplix off before I can put pants on him. 
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • The aplix on the econappi pockets Is ridiculously strong. I keep waiting for a sale to happen with those so I can get more. Plus they come with natural fiber inserts that are very absorbent. 
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  • imagemonona9:
    The aplix on the econappi pockets Is ridiculously strong. I keep waiting for a sale to happen with those so I can get more. Plus they come with natural fiber inserts that are very absorbent. 

    i was just looking at those.  i like them and i like natural fibers, so it would save me from buying bgs and afffs.

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  • Have you tried changing her standing up? At dd's Montessori they start changing them standing as soon as they are steady on their feet. The theory is that they are prepping them for the potty. I've just found that its not such a fight and there us less chance of an injury from flying off the changing table!!
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  • If you want strong aplix give tots bots easy fits a try....they are incredible (and have some cute prints!)  I have a couple BGs in aplix and don't care for them - I prefer the snaps...but the tots bots are awesome :-)  I have 6 of them in my stash and reach for them before my other pockets.
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