
Picture Book

Good Afternoon Ladies!

Thought I'd share the best gift I ever received from Amom.  So easy and simple.. Well.. ok, I guess there are two favorites.

When DD was 2 years old she made me a coffee mug (I'm a huge coffee drinker) with DD's picture on it. No special occassion, just a simple picture of DD smiling at the camera.  LOVE that coffee mug and I still use it everyday.

When DD was 5 years old Amom created a 10 page photobook that she probably made at CVS which contained 32 pictures of DD throughout that year..  birthday party, beach trip, playing at the park, first..first ::sniffles:: day of school. Gosh, this book was such a cute and inexpensive way to collage pictures from that year for me.  I will always treasure it.

That's all.  Happy Sunday everyone! It's beautiful and in the 50's over here!! 

BM to Kenzie 9/1/04 --- Married 1/22/09 --- Me 27 - DH 25 --- TTC our first since April 2010 Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

Re: Picture Book

  • What an AWESOME idea.  I love them both!
    Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Premature Baby tickers Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker image
  • Hey FL, what part of FL are you from?  DH and I got married in FL at Town Manor BB in Auburndale. We have lots of family in Largo!
    BM to Kenzie 9/1/04 --- Married 1/22/09 --- Me 27 - DH 25 --- TTC our first since April 2010 Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
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  • I love doing picture books, there is one thing I struggle with though... Do I put only pictures of DS in it, or pictures of him with us/SS/extended family? I know that every BP is different, just wondering how you feel about it. So far it's been a mix of both, just not sure what to do.


    Image and video hosting by TinyPic Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Moved to Domestic Adoption 9/09 Matched 10/09 Sweet little Luke was born 12/9/09!
  • Hey Mrs.  The photobook that I have includes pictures of DD with her siblings and some with Amom and Adad and some with grandparents, etc. and some of just her. I visit with their entire family when we see DD, so I know them, they know me... you know what I mean??  
    BM to Kenzie 9/1/04 --- Married 1/22/09 --- Me 27 - DH 25 --- TTC our first since April 2010 Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
  • Oh. My. Gosh. Mrs. Luke is so funny with that vacuum cleaner.  I just watched it and am sitting here about to pee my pants. HAHA!!  Toooo cute!!
    BM to Kenzie 9/1/04 --- Married 1/22/09 --- Me 27 - DH 25 --- TTC our first since April 2010 Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers
  • Thanks! He cracks me up, I swear. Funniest kid ever. We went back and forth like that for 15 min. before I started recording him.

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Moved to Domestic Adoption 9/09 Matched 10/09 Sweet little Luke was born 12/9/09!
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