The only good thing about sposies is the fact I can get an absolutely complete stash pic - nothing OTB, nothing to be washed. (and btw, sposies are so gross - but he has his first major rash since he was 3 weeks old so I guess I shouldn't complsin too much - but man do they stink).
First up -AIOs and pockets. I did not realize we have so many - there are 35 here and I know there are prob 3-5 at daycare. Everything in the right bin and on the top are aplix BGs(except the bottom dipe on the top right stack - thats a econobum - most are 4.0s except the brights on top are AIOs. These are daddy/daycare/babysitter dipes. The left bin has (left) 2 FB mediums, 3 Nykkibaby by Monkey Toe Diapers and (right) 3 snap BG 4.0s and 2 M Fishnoodles AIOs)
Then the shelf above the changing table has fitteds/covers/wool/babylegs. All the fitteds are stacked on the left - they are all mixed up and on top of the 4th row to the left are a few covers. In no particular order I have 2 MSs, 2 B4s, 2 Orange Co Diapers, 6 GMs, 1 TT, 1 MSO, 1 GM good.night. Then are the soakers, 3 WCW, 1 WB. Next Longies, then babylegs, then NIPs (leafy batik - which is the ugliest diaper I have ever seen and Puzzle Me)
Obviously this doesn't include the 2 dipes that are OTW or the 2 customs being made or the several longies and shorties otw or customs being knitted. DH thinks I am crazy and was laughing at me taking pictures of them
Re: Another stash post
My DH told me I was just proving my "looniness".
Yeah - mine put the looser L on his forehead.
Nice stash! Love the green whales.
My husband just went with it when I took my stash pics.. I think he's willing to put up with my diaper goofiness so I will put up with his online game
...Baby Blog...CD Blog...
DD1 born 5/24/10.
Missed M/C at 14 wks Feb 2012.
DD2 born 5/14/13.
Missed M/C at 9 wks July 2015.
It's awful - noone wants it, I have no idea what to do with it. I like green but this is like a yellow green, I don't even know how to describe it.
I put it otb once and then sold it at a $10 loss just to be rid of it.