dh and i are starting to talk about what we might want to get m for her first birthday. we have a few ideas, (wagon or cozy coupe) but we aren't really "sold" on anything yet.
what did you get your kiddo at one? what are some good ideas? is there anything that your kiddo loves around this age?
Re: what to get a 1 year old?
Luckily for us, DD's birthday is 6 months from Christmas so we only got things we knew she would love at that age and waited on stuff that she would/could grow in to until Christmas.
Specifically for her birthday, her "big" items were:
- cozy coupe
- sand/water table (we have this one)
- a pop-up pool (we got this one)
Stuff that she got at Christmas (18 months) that she would have loved soon after her birthday:
- play kitchen
- learning tower
Both Abby and Emily have loved Sarah's Silks https://www.sarahssilks.com/catalog/playsilks/playsilks.htm
Neither of my kids are very into imaginative play. Emily is still a little young and Abby just isn't that abstract. However, both have still found plenty of interesting and creative things to do with them. Both have always enjoyed putting them over their head and walking around. It makes everything a different color and that's pretty cool to them. Abby wraps up toys and calls them presents and give them to us or Emily. They're used as diapers, blankets for babies and more recently, sails on a boat (drapped over the couch).
I was very skeptical at first and there are times they go unnoticed for weeks. I'll put them away and bring them back out after a month or two and they're instantly a hit again! I think we recieved 4-5 as a gift for Abby's 1st birthday from m_and_m. When they get yucky (boogers mostly), I just give them a quick rinse in the sink and air dry.
Not sure where to get them locally but I'm sure the girls here know!
Photo by Melissa Glynn