Each code is one-time use. There are 20% codes and $10 codes. They can be stacked. They come on cards in Parenting, Fit Pregnancy, and Parents (I think) magazine. Also in Baby Talk which is the free magazine at BRU.
The 20% diaper coupons can also be used for CD's, BTW Also, there is a current code for an additional 10% off specific wipes. Code is MOMWIPES, and it is good for specific Huggies, Pampers, and Luvs products. I got one 350 count box of Seventh Generation wipes for free and a box of Pampers Clean Up wipes for $0.19.
Mommy to Caden (4)and Ariana (10 months)
Mommy and her babies, Disney World, April 24, 2011
Re: NCDR: where do i find amazon discounts?