do you have one? if so what does it do (i.e. is it just shapes or does it play music/light up etc.) and where did you get it?
I want to put something up in their crib, I'm thinking something that casts light on the ceiling. I'm headed to BBB this afternoon to scope some out, shopping online for this has been too hard.
Re: crib mobiles
depends on when you ask me
I don't think it's too bad, I had very low expectations for things so I think I've been pleasantly surprised. My only really "hard" day was when DH caught a 24 hour stomach bug and both kids were up every hour overnight. I had no help and no sleep and I ended up yelling and crying A LOT.
I am lucky though, only one of my babies is fussy/colic and the other one is an angel. If I had two kids that cried like my DD I would probably lose my shiit
We have a mobile from PBK and it plays "You Are My Sunshine". It's got seahorses, shells and starfish (their room is beach-themed). I really only use the mobiles when they're in their cribs and awake for entertainment.
We have the FB seahorse as a soothe-to-sleep sort of thing, and the Homedics Soundspa with projector as a last resort, if someone will not go to sleep.
After 2 rounds of IVF & 2 rounds of FET, we were blessed with identical twin girls!
***Twin fraternal girls born at 35w6d in 12/2008***
Give it time. We got them theirs as Christmas gifts (6ish weeks) and, while they'd stare at them or babble at their seahorses a little bit, only towards 8-10 weeks or so did it become the magic that everyone claims about the seahorses. Even when they didn't put them to sleep, we put them on at bed time every night, just to create the association.
We started using these when our guys were around three or four months old and they LOVED them:
We kept them up until the boys were around nine months and were standing up in their cribs and pulling on them ... otherwise we would have kept them forever!
This is the one we got. Fisher Price makes it and it is so cute! It plays Bach with ocean sounds and lights up. Plus it has a remote so after it goes off you can turn it back on without your baby seeing you.