
The things people say make me wonder...

I told one of my close friends that DH and I are expecting twins and after congratulating us so says "you are going to be on bedrest so much earlier than most people and you are going to be HUGE!" All I could think was "who the hell says that to someone?"..Then again, I could just be overreacting thanks to hormones!

Re: The things people say make me wonder...

  • the bed rest thing is totally random IMO some multiple pregnancies don't have to go on bed rest. I have had people tell me that I am going to be huge too. I agree it is not very nice to hear.
  • That's kind of rude!
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  • I agree. I'm at 34 weeks and haven't done a bit of bedrest. I'm still working full-time actually. And people keep saying that I don't look that big for having twins. People do say the darndest things.

    GL to you!

  • I used to get so upset when people would tell me how huge I was going to be. ?Gee thanks people, as if feeling huge wasn't enough, I had to listen to everyone comment on it. ?
  • or you could not go on bedrest, be of reasonable size for 2 babies, and carry to term.  who knows?  some people really don't think.

    I'm 35 weeks and going strong.  no swelling, nothing.  but it is awfully hard to move!

    R E A D S 5 D E A R S
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