Cloth Diapering

My first NB fluff

Way early I know... (insert crazy mom joke here).

But I got a 2-pack of Rumparooz Lil' Joeys and a Happy Heiny mini.

I am suprised at how much of a range the Happy Heiny can go to.  I love the snapdown on the Lil' Joeys...really hope that works because I would hate to goober up cute diapers with umbilical stump good. 

Anyone use and like or dislike these two diapers?

N&M married 01.12.08 Mommy to beautiful baby boy, Jack! 06.17.09 8 lbs. 2 oz. Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Welcomed 2nd baby boy Christopher! 10.27.11 6 lbs. 8 oz. Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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