Cloth Diapering


I texted you...Poop?!  What the hell do I do with it?!
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Re: ***esipp000***

  • Sorry I just got out of my meeting haha. Well you put it in the toilet or you can get some biodegradable liners by imse vimse and lay them inside the diaper. It will catch the poop and then you can just flush those in the toilet so you don't have to scrape it or dunk it in the toilet. If he just pees on those you can wash and reuse them :) If you have any other questions text me I'll answer though tonight is date night Wink
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Oh and they are super cute!
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Loading the player...
  • Haha!  Thanks!  We'll see how it goes tonight...Hopefully he'll be a dry little nugget in the morning!!!  And I really hope he doesn't poop in them! :-)
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