Cloth Diapering

esipp & fishnchips

I have a OS Viv sitting in my PP.  You need to let me know on this thread (esipp first) if you want it.  I posted the price in the stalking thread.

DS born 8/2010 - preliminary stages of SN int'l adoption - fur mama to 2 shelter dogs;  cloth diapering, babywearing, EBFing mama

Re: esipp & fishnchips

  • Thanks! I snagged one myself so it Esipp wants it its hers!

    4-7-11 - Natural MC @ 4w5d 6-27-11- MC @ 5w6dPgAL/PAL WelcomeDD#1- 8/20/2010DD#2- 6/21/2012EDD #3~ 5/1/2014 ~ Team Green
    BabyFetus Ticker
  • I'll take it I have to run to a meeting but I WILL pp you later is that ok?
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Loading the player...
  • awesome, just paid for it

    DS born 8/2010 - preliminary stages of SN int'l adoption - fur mama to 2 shelter dogs;  cloth diapering, babywearing, EBFing mama

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