Baby Names

Top 50 names in Germany

This was posted on Name Berry today (has anyone else noticed the format change?)

These stats are from 2010.

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Re: Top 50 names in Germany

  • Wow! My DD's name is way popular in Germany! Very interesting. Thanks. :)
    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie First Birthday tickers
    Married since 06/19/2004|Anna born 11/19/2006|Charles born 11/1/11
    Double undergrad graduation May 2011| Me: Psychology, DH: Communication| A long journey!
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  • I love this!
    Isaac Levi 4/26/09 : BFP#2 - MC 9w : Ezra John 6/26/11 : Miriam Joy 4/12/13 : Naomi Ann 9/2/14

  • Loading the player...
  • really liking the boy's list

  • That's cool, thanks for posting. DDs mn, Johanna, is #20. Her mn is my German grandmother's name and we pronouce it the German way. I didn't realize it was still such a popular name there. This has me again thinking that I regret not spelling her fn the more traditionally German way, Mathilda, to match her mn. My mom pushed hard for spelling it Mathilda when I was pregnant, insisting that it was the proper way. I hate when I think my mother was right.
    Matilda 6/19/09
    Graham 10/25/13
  • I'm really surprised at these results.  I work for a German company and have many German colleagues/friends both here on assignment and in Germany.  There are many with young kids.  Only two of my colleagues children's names appear on that list.   Niko and Annika (and they're not even that high on the list). 

    My boss (whose wife is pregnant) did tell me that the Germans are really into using Scandinavian names right now and I didn't really see that in the list either. Maybe I don't know Scandinavian names well enough though, LOL. 

    I will say that our headquarters is in the northern part of Germany where some people still speak low German.  I believe the majority of the German population lives in central or southern Germany, so maybe that skews things....but I'm still really surprised.   

  • I am surprised by most of this list. I live in Germany. I guess I don't know that many German kids (yet).

    This is really interesting because the most popular names of people my age are very different. I guess it's the same in the US.

    The most popular girl name around my age is Christina or Ute (Ootay) and the most popular guys name is some variation of Andre (Andre, Andres, Andrea). It's kind of confusing for Germans when I tell them my name, which is Andrea. Here it's only a man's name.

  • imagepandi02a:

    The most popular girl name around my age is Christina or Ute (Ootay) and the most popular guys name is some variation of Andre (Andre, Andres, Andrea). It's kind of confusing for Germans when I tell them my name, which is Andrea. Here it's only a man's name.

    LOL Pandi....I know so many German guys named Andre/Andreas! Also, Markus (a few spelled Marcus, but not as many), Rainer (OMG, tons of Rainer's), and Stefan.  These are guys that are in their 30's, for the most part. 

    I have never heard Ute before though.  I'll keep my ears open though. 

  • Oh my goodness! My DD's name is in the top 5.  I know only one other girl w/ her name (& I know loads of kids).
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