Indiana Babies

Friday Check-in?

Hopefully this is not a casualty of the new board! Not sure who usually does this - don't want to step on anyone's toes...


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Re: Friday Check-in?

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    what is the purpose of this post? i am new to the board. sorry im not being gramatically correct but my phone wont let me use the function or uppercase buttons when posting on the bump.
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    It's on the other board.  Here are the questions:

    Where and how?
    Weekend plans?
    What's for breakfast?

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    I'm not sure if it still being posted here or not!

     How are you doing Whitney?

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    jkchs2003 - this board usually has a Monday and Friday "Check-in" post which is kind of like a roll-call. In the past someone has taken responsibility for posting the check-ins each week. They usually consist of a where/how question (where in reference to cycle, pregnancy, post-partum, etc), and two other questions that may be about week/weekend plans, or may be seasonal, random, or whatever.

    Kathy - We are hanging in here! I'm having a lot of pain issues related to my stitches, and breastfeeding is destroying my nipples just like it did with Jocelyn Sad but overall things are going well. Connor weighed in at 8lbs7oz today, so almost back to birth weight. I actually just posted a question about EP on the BF board topic- I know you were in a different situation but I may pick your brain on that topic if things don't improve on the nipple front. Glad to see you are still posting here!


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    I'll be honest - I totally forgot. Normally I'm one of the regular check-in posters, but today has been busy at work and I totally spaced.


    Plus, I'll be honest, I'm not sure I'll keep it up given how active the private board is. I hope the existence of the other board doesn't offend those of you who are regulars here. I understand there are some access issues from certain workplaces, but the new board is private and I know there are lot of us that feel so much more comfortable posting over there now...especially given recent posts over here that have gotten 3000+ view (WTF?). Creepy.


    Whitney, we would happily welcome you to the new board! I hope that on your maternity leave you're able to access it from home!

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    I try to check in once in a while but it's hard to keep up with either board!!


    I'm sorry you are having some pain :(:( I hope it gets easier. Let me know if you have questions about EPing that you don't get answered.

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