How much do I put in for 1 pair longies or 1 soaker? Do I still need to add it to hot water or is the hot water just to melt the solid lanolin?

BFP#1 10/26/09 EDD 7/4/10 Beautiful Baby Boy born 2 weeks late 7/16/10
BFP#2 8/23/11 EDD 5/11/12 Natural Miscarriage @ 6 weeks
BFP#3 5/22/12 EDD 2/10/13 Stick Baby!
Re: anyone use liquid lanolin?
I do mine in the kitchen sink. Turn the water on hot and once it actually gets hot, plug it. Add a squirt of lanolin and mix with a whisk while the water is still filling. I like it to looks cloudy in the water and I can feel it kind of sticky on my fingers. Once its all mixed up, I switch over to cold and fill the sink the rest of the way. I think it supposed to be a certain temperature before you add the wool. I measured it once with the candy thermometer and it was about room temperature to me. So now I just estimate. Sometimes they come out more lanolized than other times and I adjust based on how many pairs I'm doing too. Ive never done just one at a time though.