Hawaii Babies

OMG! F/u to creepy dude

I emailed the charity the creepy dude was representing yesterday, describing his behavior since I thought they should be aware that there was someone out there who wasn't doing a very good job on their behalf (especially since they are actually a good charity). Anyway, I just got this reply from them:

Charityname does use the method of face to face fundraising and door knocking across Australia, however, none of our teams have been in Yourtown this week. 

As there were not our legitimate fundraisers,  I am concerned about the nature of your complaint, and so I would advise you to call the police and notify them of the incident.
Holy sh!t! I felt kind of dorky when I sent the email, but now I'm really glad I contacted them...I'll have to look up the local police (non emergency) phone number and get in touch with them so they can keep an eye out for this guy. 

Re: OMG! F/u to creepy dude

  • OMG I just read your post below and responded to it.... i hate to say it (but since you came out of this unharmed), you are really lucky that he did not force himself in and do something horrible to you or the boys.  thankfully he was just creepy and left.  I wonder if he's a pedophile or something??? I would even talk to the police and see if they can get a sketch artist to draw a pic of him so they can have better luck finding him....I'd hate to think of what would happen when this guy "escalates" and does more :(
  • imagemrspresley:
    OMG I just read your post below and responded to it.... i hate to say it (but since you came out of this unharmed), you are really lucky that he did not force himself in and do something horrible to you or the boys.  thankfully he was just creepy and left.  I wonder if he's a pedophile or something??? I would even talk to the police and see if they can get a sketch artist to draw a pic of him so they can have better luck finding him....I'd hate to think of what would happen when this guy "escalates" and does more :(

    I know - I am SO grateful I trusted my instinct! We have a security screen on our front door, and I had that closed and was talking through it...although, now that I think about it, at one point he tried to get me to open it by offering his hand and asking if we could shake hands hello. Indifferent If someone comes to my front door, I always keep that closed unless I know them on sight (like the mailman with a delivery) or they properly introduce themselves (like the woman I sold my nursing pillow to, who picked it up this morning).

    I talked to the police and gave them a basic description - I honestly don't think I could give them much more than basics like race and hair color (no real facial details) because I was feeling so creeped out that I basically just got rid of him ASAP. They're circulating it among the officers for when they're patrolling - I don't know if they'll notify the newspaper to warn residents or anything like that. I also posted it on FB just to give the heads up to all of my local friends, so they can spread it as well.

    I'm so, so glad I decided to be "that person" and email the charity instead of just shrugging it off! There was that little part of my brain that's been trained to be nice and polite that was saying I was overreacting, but every other instinct I had was sending up big ole red flags - so glad I trusted that feeling!

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  • OMG! That is way, way too scary :-/. We have a video monitor thing at our front door and if I see someone I don't know I will never open the door. This is a good reminder that you can't ever be too careful. Good for you for calling the charity too.
    I love Hawaii!

    Tara & Ian . 4/24/2008 . The Kahala Planning . Married

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • Wow, good for you for trusting your instincs!
  • Crazy! A good cautionary tale, though. So glad we have a dog too!
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • YIKES!!!  So glad you contacted the charity.  I hope the police can catch this guy before he happens upon someone who is willing to invite him in.  Sad
  • Wow this is super creepy and scary!! I'm glad u contacted them or you would've never known how potentially dangerous that guy is!
    Sept 2008 Wedding | May 2010 & Mar 2012 Babies
  • Eeek! I had goosebumps just from reading your f/u post. That's scary. Glad you did the right thing. Please be careful!
  • Holy geebs. Good thing he didn't try to push his way in or anything... or get all crazy when you didn't open the door to shake his hand. YIKES!
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • OMG!!!!!!!!!!  That is so creepy!!!  Thank goodness you trusted your instincts and contacted the charity.  Yes, a call to the police is warranted on this one.  That creeper does not need to be roaming the streets. 

    This is exactly why I don't open the door anymore unless MH is home or unless I know who is at the door.  You never know anymore and it's so sad :(

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    | Olowalu, Maui ~ August 6, 2008 |
    | Family of 4 ~ April 2, 2011 |
    | Family of 5 - October 24, 2012 |
  • SO glad you contacted them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I hope they catch this guy!
  • OMG!  I got chills when I read this.  That is unreal!  I would contact the paper yourself and let them know about it.  He could seriously hurt someone in your community.  Good job on following your instincts!!!!
  • Yikes! Smart thinking on your part...I hope he's caught soon. I am a BIG fan of always listening to a gut reaction...we are seldom wrong!
  • OMG!  Thank goodness you e-mailed them!!!  Hopefully the police will be able to find him and/or alert people in your area!  Stay safe please.
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