
Update on my dad and ? about inductions...

Strange combination, huh?

Once again thanks for all the support last week after I found out that my dad's cancer treatment was being stopped.  It was a very hard night.

My parents, brother, SIL, and nephew all came to our house last weekend. It was reassuring to see that my parents are still my parents and are holding together through all of this.  DH had also ordered a Flip video camera the night we found out (had been meaning to with the new baby coming), so I was easily able to get some video and plan to keep doing so.  I also gave my mom 2 recordable books for her and dad to do for Ethan (and for me Smile).  We will eventually be meeting with hospice at some point, but my parents want to wait until after the baby is born so my brother and I can travel to their place and meet at one time instead of two.

I also had my 37 week OB appointment on Tuesday.  I'm 2cm and 80% effaced.  The baby is also pretty low.  She knows about dad and also my FIL (who we found out has a tumor on one of his kidneys).  She said that she could induce me at 39 weeks if I hadn't had the baby by then so that dad would get an "extra" week with the baby.  I'm seriously thinking about it, but would like to hear from others how their inductions have gone.

Ethan George 11.4.06 Marcus Harvey 3.4.11

Re: Update on my dad and ? about inductions...

  • I was induced at 38 weeks due to IUGR. I was already 4 cm and I don't remember the effacement. She was born quite quickly, but I was already contracting before they turned on the pitocin. I'm not a huge fan of inducement for convenience, but I think in your case that it's a good idea. I hope she comes on her own sooner, though! Did she say anything about possibly stripping your membranes next visit, or you doing things to help yourself out? Obviously spontaneous labor is best, but I'd definitely start trying to move things along at 38 weeks.

    ((hugs)) to you. 

  • I was 3 cm and 50% at 37 weeks with DS.  They induced due to tachycardia....he was born 7 hours after they started pitocin.

    So sorry to hear about your dad :( 

    L 7/06 E 8/07 L 6/10 imageimageimage
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  • Sorry to hear about you dad! Lots of hugs and prayers!

    I wouldn't have an issue with the early induction and agree with the previous poster to ask about other things to help bring on labor.

  • I had my membranes stripped the day before my due date with Ethan and went into labor that day and had him on his due date.  I believe I was 2 cm at that time.  I was going to ask my OB if she'd strip my membranes at the next visit to see if I'd go on my own before being induced.

    I too am generally against convenience inductions.  I just never thought I'd be in this situation.  I also know my OB is not one to just say induction or c/s for fun.  She did also tell me that there's no maturity difference in terms of lung development between 39 and 40 weeks.

    Ethan George 11.4.06 Marcus Harvey 3.4.11
  • I think I would schedule the induction at 39 weeks. I've also read that at 39 weeks there is no difference (but before that there can be). I was induced with dd 3 days before her dd and it went well and fast after they broke my water (literally had her 15 minutes later). Sorry to hear about your dad and fil. Your family will be in my prayers.
  • I was induced at 39w due to borderline IUGR, so they baby was small, 6 lbs. My iduction was a breeze. 6 hours start to finish (compared to DD's 23 hour "natural" labor!) I was on the fence about it due to c/s risk, but my body was already getting to that point. I'd lost my MP, was starting to dialate, and a little effaced. I was a good candidate for it to be successful w/out intervention.

    Go for it, get all that extra time. : )

    DD 7.28.06 * DS 3.29.10

    Christmas 2011
  • I am not normally a fan of inductions, but this is a case where I would totally go for it.

    Hopefully you'll go on your own before then.

    I've been thinking about you and your family.

    Kill all my demons and my angels might die too. -Tennessee Williams

    You take my ovaries, I take your yarns.
  • I was induced all 3 times - 38w, 39w, and 35w5d (twins).  All were relatively issue-free, and all babies came home with me (G spent the 2 nights in NICU for eating issues, but was d/c'd with me). 

    I totally agree that this is a situation where an induction is warranted.  I hope it all goes well - or she even comes before.  

    and ((hugs)) to you, T&P for your family.  I can't imagine going thru all this and being in your last couple weeks of pregnancy.   

  • My water broke with my first DD at exactly 39 weeks, I didn't go into labor on my own, so I was induced.  It was fast and easy and she was 100% healthy.  I had to be induced with my 2nd DD a week early, too, due to growth issues (for her health), it was also an easy induction and birth.  I would not hesitate for a second to be induced at 39 weeks if it meant a parent would get to spend more time with his/her grandchild.  So sorry you are going through this.  Good luck to you all.
  • Thanks ladies for all of your input and support.  It's very one-day-at-a-time thing around our house.  DH and I had been having some rather major marriage issues that we were starting to work on before this (and had decided to stay in kind of a holding pattern until after the baby, knowing that would cause stress itself), but he's totally been there for me in so many little ways.

    I've told him that taking care of things like planning a dinner out sans kid and having his parents keep Ethan when my parents first came--I was afraid there'd be a lot of tears--have made all the difference in the world.  He's struggling himself because of his dad's issues and we've also found out that his uncle is losing his battle with cancer as well.  Both my dad and his uncle were diagnosed within two weeks of each other 6 years ago.  It's also hard knowing that it's going to get worse before it gets better.

    I admit I've judged others for choosing to induce, but I know my OB wants to give me a "known" that our lives have been so haywire.  She also understands that our time may be very limited with dad or we may have several months.

    Thanks again everyone.

    Ethan George 11.4.06 Marcus Harvey 3.4.11
  • I am so sorry you are going through all of this. I wish I could just give you a huge hug!

    We had a very similar situation with my mom and me being due with my 1st child. I hope you are able to spend time and cherish what you do have left with your dad. 

  • I am so sorry you are dealing with this.
  • I was induced at 39 weeks. I was 4+ cm and DS was very low. I went in for that appointment and the Dr took one look at me and asked if I wanted to go in.  Being that I was 4+ cm, he said it was up to me.  DS was also a large baby (born at 9lbs 1oz) so the Dr was concerned about this.

    I got to the hospital at 4, pitocen started at 6, water broke at 830 and DS was born at 212 after just over an hour of pushing. 

    I'm not a big fan of being induced as my Mom has always pushed the evils of it. Her stories involved women though that didn't have favourable conditions for inductions (she's a duola).  I was ready to burst anyway.  When the baby is low, you are already ready to go as far as being dilated, then I don't see a problem with it. 


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