
feeding twins alone

im 10 weeks preg with twins, this is my first pregnancy and im just wondering how i'm going to feed both at the same time while i'm home by myself.

BTW im not planning on brestfeeding.


Re: feeding twins alone

  • don't worry- you'll find a way that works for you.

    I fed mine at the same time at every feeding- one in the boppy next to me and one in the crook of my leg (up on the couch) so i had two free hands and them right there.... burping can be tricky - but you find what works for your babies.

    you should read Dr. Luke's book on being pg with twins, triplets and quads... will help you with the pregnancy stuff - and I really liked "Twin Set" and "Ready or Not Here We Come" for info on raising twins from birth to grade school.

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  • I BF but I supplemented.

    I tandem BF using the My Breast Friend Twin Nursing pillow.  Then I would keep them on the pillow and give them their bottles.  It was great, because they were both close to me and could snuggle while taking their bottle.

    I've also done the boppy method on the couch and on the ground.

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  • I put each of them in a bouncy seat and sit between them.  The face the couch and I face the tv.  I also sit on a boppy to cushion my
  • I formula feed and I do not feed them at the same time. I'm just not that coordinated and Tage seems to do better when I'm not doing it tandem.

    They eat about every 4 hours (on demand) during the day and I feed the first one that wakes up (about 20 minutes, sometimes 30) and then the next. When I'm done with the first, I usually put him in a boppy right next to me on the couch or in the swing/bouncey.

    What works for one may not work for others. You'll find what works for them and you when they come. I was really worried about this when I was pregnant too. Once they are here, it's kind of a survival mode so you just do what works! Congrats on the pregnancy!

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  • I use two Boppies and burp as I go. DS eats a little quicker than DD and burps immediately, so I burp him first then DD. I just started this method this week after hearing about it from other MoMs and it is great!
  • I can't tandem feed. We just aren't that coordinated yet. What I do is feed whoever wakes up first. Then I put her in a swing or RNP and wake up the other one and feed her.
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  • When they were little, ie, couldn't hold up their heads, I propped them side by side on a king size pillow and bottle fed that way. Once they got a little more stable and stopped collapsing down, we moved to the boppies. I either put them on the couch, legs toward me or put them in the floor on either side and leaned against the couch. Mine never liked the bouncers so we never got much use out of them. I always fed at the same time, for 2 reasons, one I didn't want to feel like I was feeding all day long and two, it kept them on the same sleep schedule.

     Bottom line, you will find what works for you, you may have to try several different ideas before you find the one that works for you and your babies.

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  • You'll figure it out. For the first few weeks, feedings suck. Your days are like a long, slow march from one feeding to the next, but then one day, it will click, and it will get better. I was never able to feed tandem, and always fed them one at a time. You just do what works for you and your babies. And stick around here for lots of advice and support. Congrats and welcome!
  • imageRangergal9:
    I put each of them in a bouncy seat and sit between them.  The face the couch and I face the tv.  I also sit on a boppy to cushion my

    This is exactly what I do!

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  • When they were really little, I would put them both in the same boppy or both in same bouncer and feed them that way I didnt have to stretch my arms they arent very long. Then burp as each finished.

    As they got bigger I just keep a bed pillow on couch and lean them against it and feed, they seem to like that alot more than eating in their boppy pillows.

    You will get your own way of doing things, I can now feed one and burp the other at the same time. Youll be a pro in no time.

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  • What I do is when my husband is feeding or taking care of our daughter, I prop them on their boppy pillow on my bed swaddled up and i feed them both at the same time. I then grab both towards my chest and pat them on the back to burp.
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  • I do it a number of different ways....

    - put them both in their car seats and then I sit on the ground and put one on each side of me. This works great because you don't have to worry about having to move them if they fall over or what not.

    -once their heads are more stable it works great to sit on the couch and prop each of their heads up on your thighs with their bodies facing out

    - many times I do prop one in a boppy and put one on my lap. Boppys aren't my favorite though, the babies tend to slip around and move in them. 

    If I burp them at the same time, I lay them across my lap.
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