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Tell me about the most you'neek spelling you have ever seen for a common name
a couple of mine are
Keileigh (Kylie)
Alyzabeth (Elizabeth)
Dealaynuh (Delaina)
Mykal (Michael)
Emmaleigh (Emily)
I don't know if this is the MOST unique, but I think these two get points for being a sibset:
Izaac (Isaac) and Emaree (Emery).
And I TOTALLY forgot about Payden (Peyton) and his little sister....Dezzarae.
I have seen so many here are a few:
- Addyzyn (Addison... I think)
- Eizzabella
- Emereigh (Emery?)
- Jaxsyn (and on a girl...)
- Kywnn (Quinn...)
- Krysteena
Kortni (Courtney)
X'Zavier (Xavier)
Ry'Len (Rylan)
Leighsah (Lisa)
Izzykial (Ezekial)
Phaeyth (Faith)
Fayht (Fate)
Macheala (Michaela)
Doreyan (Dorian)
Adreyan (Adrienne)
Jhourni (Journey)
These are all just terrible.
Edited* I forgot to add that I knew a Brittaineye when I was a teenager. Yikes.
I used to work in customer service at a hospital and one woman called in about her baby's bill. Her son was named Xavier, but she spelled it:
A girl from highschool named her twins: Gesyqa (Jessica) and Qymburleigh (Kimberly)
She has a son name Qristoefur (Christoper).
CBonBoard: A girl from highschool named her twins: Gesyqa (Jessica) and Qymburleigh (Kimberly) She has a son name Qristoefur (Christoper).
I put pitty on all their future teachers....these make my brain hurt..
Re: Tell me about the most you'neeek..
I don't know if this is the MOST unique, but I think these two get points for being a sibset:
Izaac (Isaac) and Emaree (Emery).
And I TOTALLY forgot about Payden (Peyton) and his little sister....Dezzarae.
I have seen so many here are a few:
- Addyzyn (Addison... I think)
- Eizzabella
- Emereigh (Emery?)
- Jaxsyn (and on a girl...)
- Kywnn (Quinn...)
- Krysteena
Kortni (Courtney)
X'Zavier (Xavier)
Ry'Len (Rylan)
Leighsah (Lisa)
Izzykial (Ezekial)
Phaeyth (Faith)
Fayht (Fate)
Macheala (Michaela)
Doreyan (Dorian)
Adreyan (Adrienne)
Jhourni (Journey)
These are all just terrible.
Edited* I forgot to add that I knew a Brittaineye when I was a teenager. Yikes.
I used to work in customer service at a hospital and one woman called in about her baby's bill. Her son was named Xavier, but she spelled it:
partial molar pregnancy : bfp 6.28.10, d/c 8.17.10, 7 rounds methotrexate, cleared 7.1.11
alexander patrick : bfp 1.16.12, born 9.20.12 @ 39w1d, 7 lbs./11 oz./22 in.
scarlett irene elizabeth : bfp 5.24.13, born 2.3.14 @ 41w2d, 7 lbs./13 oz./19 in.
A girl from highschool named her twins: Gesyqa (Jessica) and Qymburleigh (Kimberly)
She has a son name Qristoefur (Christoper).
I put pitty on all their future teachers....these make my brain hurt..