My poor toddlers have been cooped up for weeks. I haven't been taking them anywhere on errands or to the playground unless DH is with. Been trying to take it easy and avoid as much lifting as possible.
So I put them in the monkey leashes at home a couple times so they could each see the other in it, and how CUTE it is Today we did a 30min neighborhood walk and it went really well. My girls move at two different speeds (one fast, one s-l-o-w), but we had no meltdowns, and hardly any frustration. They were probably just so happy to be out.
I hope they will like the leashes when baby comes so we can still go out together.
Re: Took girls outside w/Monkey leashes :)
That's great!
My MIL got some for the boys for Christmas, but there is still A LOT of snow here so I think we'll try to use them in the spring.
How are you managing and being pregnant?
Aussie's_Mom, I tried it on Vivi once a long time ago (at about 15mos) when she was alone. She screamed/cried! Maybe there's something about having the two, so one sees how *wonderful* it is that the other is wearing it.
Not sure how it would be if we were out at a mall/store/zoo... that will take some time.
I probably should of asked "how are you managing while being pregnant?" My grammar is not the best as my mother tongue is French.
It's challenging but really isn't as hard as I thought. This is soooo different from my twin pg! I'm supposed to be taking it easy b/c cervix started to shorten/funnel (not too bad) and that's challenging with the LOs. Still feeling pretty good so far! Thanks for asking