Did anyone else read this??

This poor woman.  This has lawsuit written all over it.  Can doctors really do this???


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Re: Did anyone else read this??

  • I read this, but don't know the history enough to really believe that it happened.  I know that makes me sound totally cynical, but it's just so crazy that I can only hope that it's made up, you know? 
    DS born via c/s 11/08 and med-free GD VBAC DD 3/11! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I totally agree. When I read it I was thinking, how were the police not called by these people if this is what took place??  But the other people on the board seemed to believe her (I don't frequent that board) so I can only assume she is legit.  But I'd be suing the pants of someone if anything remotely like that happened.  I also found it hard to believe they discharged her without any aftercare instructions. 
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  • Holy sh!t that is scary. I have to hope that there is something missing in the story...a misunderstanding? Something? However, I have heard other stories where women were forced to undergo c/s for no reason so her account doesn't sound totally unbelievable to me.
    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • As far as I know it did happen.  I'm an ICAN chapter leader and according to my email group, a fellow chapter leader knows her and she was a member of her local chapter. 

    eta:  this is not the only instance of this happening across the country.  

  • imageJb&Jb:

    As far as I know it did happen.  I'm an ICAN chapter leader and according to my email group, a fellow chapter leader knows her and she was a member of her local chapter. 

    eta:  this is not the only instance of this happening across the country.  

    I am outraged. Seriously, seething, livid for this woman. It is patently ridiculous that in one area you'll be gassed and sectioned against your will because of what...risks of VBAC? But move 1 state down the road and it's totally fine.


    Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers Lilypie Third Birthday tickers Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • imageRach03k:

    As far as I know it did happen.  I'm an ICAN chapter leader and according to my email group, a fellow chapter leader knows her and she was a member of her local chapter. 

    eta:  this is not the only instance of this happening across the country.  

    I am outraged. Seriously, seething, livid for this woman. It is patently ridiculous that in one area you'll be gassed and sectioned against your will because of what...risks of VBAC? But move 1 state down the road and it's totally fine.


    They let her labor for a while too.  And I don't care WHAT the circumstances are, they should never be able to gas and operate on you without your permission, nevermind at least TELLING you why they are doing it.  And if they are going to try to say that she was not in her right mind, they are SOL because they also didn't inform the husband.  I look forward to this publicly playing out in court.  Does anyone know where this happened? 

    Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers image image
  • I really hope to God this didn't happen. I hate being cynical but it's so hard for me to imagine this happening. I really feel like if someone took me to an OR without explaining what was happening I would have flipped the eff out on them so much that they'd be lucky to get an oxygen mask over my face. Having had a c/s under general anesthesia, it's hard for me to picture them knocking her out like she described. I know for me, it was clear the anesthesiologist was in the room, I was hooked up to their monitors, and I was lying down prepped for surgery. It just seems too risky to give someone anesthesia under the pretense that it was oxygen.

    If true, this is just an awful and completely unebelievable violation of her rights. I just can't believe it.

    Pregnancy Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • imageRach03k:

    As far as I know it did happen.  I'm an ICAN chapter leader and according to my email group, a fellow chapter leader knows her and she was a member of her local chapter. 

    eta:  this is not the only instance of this happening across the country.  

    I am outraged. Seriously, seething, livid for this woman. It is patently ridiculous that in one area you'll be gassed and sectioned against your will because of what...risks of VBAC? But move 1 state down the road and it's totally fine.


    I couldn't agree more! With my VBAC attempt, it was about 9 hours from the time Xander's heart rate was showing decels until my ultimate c/s. He was not showing decels that whole time, but in those nine hours my doctors turned off the pit, had me change positions, turned the pit back on, did an amnio infusion. they did everything they could to get me to progress and get his heart rate normalized. I wasn't ready to consent to the section until about hour 8. If they had sectioned me against my will, I have no idea what I would do. You can be damn sure that I would have had a lawyer visit me in the hospital. I'm outraged by what happened to that poor woman.
  • Ohio. There's lots of lawyer talk. Its illegal, but malpractice cases are expensive and hospitals have a way if spinning things in their favor in he said she said type cases. I hope she pursues and wins. If your VBAC starts to look a little sketchy on the doctors end, and they start to wheel you into the OR to VBAC there just "in case" don't let your husband leave your side in case they try to gas you under the guise of oxygen. It's rare and you hate to have to be that skeptical of your delivery team, but it happens.

     eta: sorry about the spacing-iphone!

  • Damn. That's horrible. In "Pushed," she wrote about a woman in Florida who was pushing, and they hauled a judge into her hospital room to force her into a c-section. Such a steaming pile of sh!t.
    DS1 - Feb 2008

    DS2 - Oct 2010 (my VBAC baby!)

  • If all of this happened just as she said, then she has every reason to go after the doctor and midwife that treated her this way. My SIL gave birth to her DS 12 days before mine (1st children for both of us) and she wanted to have a natural labor. Her RN told her to go ahead and sign for the epidural and get it put in so that way when if she decided later on she was ready for drugs to be administered, they could give it to her right away. Since it was her first, she was confused but did what the nurse said, and they ended up giving her the meds without asking her. Since she signed the form, my brother and SIL couldn't convince them it wasn't what they wanted at the time.  With that knowledge under my belt, I didn't sign for the epidural until I reached my limit. I had to wait an hour and a half before the anesthesiologist was free, but it was on my terms and when I knew I would need it for the C-section (DS was wrapped in his umbilical cord like a parachuter)!
    TTC #2: My chart
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