
Forgot flanges at home!!

I am in pain! I forgot my flanges at home.  I am going to run home at lunch to get them and home to have enough time left over to pump.  I live 20 minutes from work so that 40 minutes leaving me only 20 to pump once I get back.  Eek...there a lesson learned.
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Re: Forgot flanges at home!!

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    Oh no!  I would have been sweating and in a lot of pain if that happened to me back then!  Good luck and safe but quick travel!!
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    I don't know what kind of pump you have, but I have pumped several times while driving, using a hands free bra and a nursing cover.  Might be an option, to get a longer session in.
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    I feel your pain. I've forgotten the flanges once and the membranes once for my Freestyle. I now have spares of each! Luckily, there's a Babies R Us near my office so they've gotten some unexpected business.
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    I've forgotten about everything (lids, adapter, flanges...) at least once. Sucks. Thankfully there is a store that sells parts nearby.

    Now, though, I have a complete set of extra parts at work just in case.

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    I've done that 2x!! When I've gone to my parents house  almost an hour & a half away! The pain was so unbearable that I had to go to the local walmart and buy a handpump!
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