
Just Wanted To Say

Being a part of this board recently has been amazing for me.  Not only do I get to see how much you all love your babies and that there can be a light at the end of this dark, dark tunnel, but I also feel so much less alone.  There are hoards of women on the IF, but I feel like not many at the end of the road of IF treatments like I am.  Thank you for giving me hope again!

TTC in 2008. Stage II/III endo, Hashimotos hypothyroid, low morph (3%).
2 cycles Clomid/Ovidrel/TI/Crinone=BFN.
IUI #1 - 4 Follistim/Ovidrel/IUI/Crinone = BFN.
IVF #1 - Antagonist w/ ICSI 4/10. 17 retrieved, 5DT of 2, BFN :(
IVF #2 - Long Lupron w/ ICSI 6/10. 15 retrieved, 3DT of 2, BFFN!!
Lap 7/21/10
IVF #3 - Clomid/Antagonist w/ ICSI 10/10. 14 retreived, 3DT of 3, BFP 10/20 but m/c. No HB 11/15/10 - D&C 11/17/10.
FET - 2 blasts, 1 survived the thaw. Transfer 2/19. Beta #1 3/1 375, Beta #2 3/3 885, Beta #3 3/8 4261, Beta #4 3/11 9005. U/S 3/8 1 sac 1 yolk, U/S 3/16 1 heartbeat 114bpm!


James born Oct. 24th 2011 via c-section at 38 weeks!

Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Surprise BFP - Jack born April 28, 2013 via VBAC after PTL at 33 1/2 weeks!

Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Re: Just Wanted To Say

  • Aw, I am glad that there has been positives for you being here on the board!!  There has been for me as well.  It is so so hard to find a place to be able to talk about your feelings and how hard it is to go through this!
    Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Premature Baby tickers Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker image
  • I know what you mean. I had (have) a family over on the IF board and now I learning about a whole new family here. It has been hard to loosen the reins on IF and come here for advice.

    Patchen - I am glad to see a familar face.

    Katie, PCOS since May 2005, Fostering since November 2010 Adoption since December 2011 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
    *PCOS bio* *Cold Hands, Warm Heart*
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  • Isn't it so good to have a place to 'belong' and be supported.  
    Glad you're here.
  • imageswanck:
    Isn't it so good to have a place to 'belong' and be supported.  
    Glad you're here.
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