What clock were you guys recommending for kids?
ETA: sorry, this posted before I meant to. DD wakes up in the morning and comes in my room and asks if it is morning time. She has blackout curtains in her room. Fortunately she is consistent when she wakes up but we have had issues with her getting up a little too early and waking us up or going in her sister's room and waking her up. Thanks!
Re: Good clock for kids?
this is the one I just ordered off amazon
it hasn't come yet so I can't give a review of it but you set it for a certain time and it turns green at that time. Green means go. They have a cheaper version of it but I wanted this one so I could also use it to teach them to tell time when we get to that... hopefully it helps, I've been having the same problem as you with my DS
I just ordered this one for DD1 and it arrives next week. I'm hoping it'll help us keep our early birdie in bed until at least 6:30, maybe even 7.
DD1, 1/5/2008 ~~~ DD2, 3/17/2010
I have this clock for DD and love it!!!!!!!!!! She is learning her time also because she can have it say the time to her. She also knows when it is time to be in bed and not base on the color of the clock
We have the American Innovative Teach Me Time clock (we got ours from Barnes & Noble). Best $30 I have ever spent. It turns green when it's ok for her to get up for the day (6am in our case) and 99% of the time she will stay in bed until her light turns green. She also likes it because she can press a button and a voice will tell her the time.
My only complaint is that it's kinda hard to program (directions are confusing) and you can't see the time very well if you are across the room.... poor contrast colors on the face.
I also looked into the 'My Tot Clock' but couldn't justify spending $50 on that one.