
Question for mom's

Hello :) Is anyone in a situation where you (or your husband) want a 3rd child, but the other does not? How did you settle this? What were your conversations like? Why did you decide what you did?
Daisypath Anniversary tickers
Brayden (5 1/2) born 12.28.06
Hailey (4 1/2) born 2.25.08
Taylor (8 Months) born 12.26.11
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Re: Question for mom's

  • When we got married, we agreed (pre- any children, pregnancies, or anything) that we'd probably have 4 kids.  Then we had Claire and I bumped it down to 3.  I spent my entire pregnancy with Jack convinced that we'd have 3 kids ultimately.  Then, he was born 18 minutes after we pulled into the parking lot of the hospital, after a horrifying ride there (I was in labor for exactly 3 hours and we live about 45 min from the hospital).  I remember sitting in my hospital bed and telling my husband I would never do that again.  I haven't wavered on that until recently, though I told my husband if I were to ever consider getting pregnant again there would have to be major changes.  I am NOT going to be a full-time working mom of 3.  I would have to be committed.  No way could I handle the stress.  And, we'd have to wait until Jack was in preschool at least, so that both kids are more independent than they are now.  I also had a tough time with ppd, so at this point, I'm good with not having anymore kids.  My husband would like more...but he's okay with stopping where we are.  So it's still up for discussion, however, highly unlikely.  Sorry, that's probably a useless answer for you!
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