Cloth Diapering

First Yeash Rash .. :(

Ugh!! Just got back from the pedi and Aubrey has a yeast Rash.

Looks like Lotromin AF, sposies until I bleach and boil her non PUL diapers. This sucks... Hopefully its gone soon.

Do you suggest naked time to help with the YR? Thanks ladies


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Re: First Yeash Rash .. :(

  • I suggest naked time for pretty much everything haha.  We do lots of airing out here :-)

    We have battled yeast 3 times (only once since switching to CDs).  It cleared up pretty fast with the nystatin ointment that the pedi prescibed us.  Also, try  to avoid foods that break down into sugars as that sugar will just end up on her bum.  Another bumpie sent me a list of low sugar foods I will PM you :-)


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  • You don't have to use sposies while treating for yeast.  Here's another bump thread about it.
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