
When did u stop recording their feedings/poop etc

I log everything. It does help me know how much they're eating in a day but when does it become okay to stop?
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Re: When did u stop recording their feedings/poop etc

  • We stopped after their 6 week appointment.  By that time they had gained enough weight to be above their birthweights, so we didn't think it was necessary anymore.  Our pedi agreed. 



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  • 6 months

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  • We stopped recording poops around 2 weeks. You could set a watch by their poops. Just like their father -- hahaha TMI! Their physician told me at their 4 month check-up to stop logging their bottles/ounces. I was obsessing about it for really no reason. Both boys are thriving and gaining appropriately.
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  • I haven't been recording anything except how much I pump since I have been struggling so much - now that I think about it, its very unlike me to not keep a detailed log but maybe that's me not being Type A for once!

    Ped has never asked to see a log and only asks bottle size and generally how often they poop.

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  • We're still logging. I would have been okay with stopping a while ago, but my H is home with them and he likes doing it. I have a feeling I'll be able to look up what they ate for lunch the Tuesday before they started Kindergarten. Wink

    It is nice to be able to see their trends when we need to! 

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  • I never logged.  Not sure if I would have had they not been in the NICU, but I figured the two weeks they kept track of food/poop/pee was enough.
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  • I never logged, either.  The only thing I kept track of in the early days was which baby ate from which breast. 
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  • As soon as we left the hospital ... the boys were gaining weight and our pedi is laid-back and didn't ask us to log anything.
  • We stopped when I went back to work and they went to DC- around 4 months.  Now DC does it for me.  Stick out tongue

    I used the logs sort of a diary, I would jot down things they did and how much they weighed (If they got weighed) and if anything interesting happened.

    I also jotted down their sleep - helped me see a sleep pattern. 

    Now on weekends, I still sort of keep track, but only in my head.


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  • When we got home from the hospital we bought a notebook to keep track of things.  Never used it.

    We have a whiteboard in the nursery that we'd use when I was doing the 2:30a solo feeding and DH was doing the 6a feeding solo, just so the other would know what was going on. 

    Our babies almost always finish their bottles.  I don't think DS has ever turned away any of his.  DD is a struggle but we'll wait it out until she's done because she's got to make it to the next feeding time - no snacking around here until they can walk to the pantry and get it themselves :)  So, we always have a general idea of how much anyone has eaten.

  • I stopped logging after they turned a little over a month old.  They both were gaining well and having regular BMs.  Like PPs said I was obsessed with logging and it began to consume my day.  Even when my mom would come over, she knew we had to log!  At 2 months, I now know what is normal for them and if one doesn't have a BM in a day (we have one that doesn't always go) then I keep a watch on her.
  • I log feeds religiously (times and length) b/c I feed them every 3 hours and it helps keep me on track. Plus if they eat early I can see if it's because they didn't take a good/full/long feed the last time or notice a growth spurt before it's completely kicking my ass. I don't always remember to log diapers though and since they are clearly outgrowing their clothes I don't really worry about it :)

    ETA: I plan on only BF'ing through six mos so I'll stop logging feeds then when we switch to bottles which will be more scheduled and more obvious :) 

  • I stopped around 2 months...  It was becoming obvious they were great eaters/poopers, etc.
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  • At 9 or 10mos.  Probably could've stopped a couple months earlier, but I found it really helpful (mind was mush) and was great to communicate to the nanny who comes 3/wk.  I liked seeing what happened when she was hear, and she liked seeing the same.

    She still records nap times for us.

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  • We just stopped most feedings, pee, and naps.

    We still record poops (just in case they go for a while without), last nighttime feeding, and how long they sleep throughout the night (which of course, they don't and that's why we want to keep track).

    It just got to be too much tracking and less time understanding them based on what they were trying to tell us. Now, we kind of get what cry is for what and what it means when they are fussy.

  • I stopped at 2 weeks.... once they hit their birth weight I didn't bother tracking anymore
  • I still keep track of food. I think it makes me feel like I'm in control. I have no idea why.
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