This thought has been on my mind but I feared it was too silly of a question...but now I'm going to ask it anyway.
Can wearing tight things on your stomach hurt the baby? I wear tights under my dresses for work, but they're not maternity tights. They're not cutting off my circulation on my stomach, but they are tight there.
Re: Can wearing tight things on your stomach hurt baby?
I've seen this question a lot so I asked my doctor. She said that baby is securely safe in your stomach and wearing too tight of jeans or something won't hurt him/her. But try a bella band? That way you don't have to button your pants. Those have been my savior!
Ditto this. If I sit in a funny position that puts too much pressure on my stomach, the LO kicks me, HARD. She lets it be known she's uncomfortable.
haha ditto this, LO kicks me if he wants me to move : ) But I know how to sit/lay if I want to feel him!!!
This except I'm having a boy
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