2nd Trimester

Can wearing tight things on your stomach hurt baby?

This thought has been on my mind but I feared it was too silly of a question...but now I'm going to ask it anyway.

Can wearing tight things on your stomach hurt the baby?  I wear tights under my dresses for work, but they're not maternity tights.  They're not cutting off my circulation on my stomach, but they are tight there.

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Re: Can wearing tight things on your stomach hurt baby?

  • I've seen this question a lot so I asked my doctor. She said that baby is securely safe in your stomach and wearing too tight of jeans or something won't hurt him/her. But try a bella band? That way you don't have to button your pants. Those have been my savior!

    GL! Smile

  • I was wondering the same thing this weekend at a wedding and my stockings were so tight that I took them off.  thanks for the post.
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  • Ditto mullenem.  It would most likely make you uncomfortable or give you a stomach ache before it harmed the baby.
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  • I always wear a belt otherwise my pants would fall down.  If its too tight or poking the wrong place the baby lets me know it!  I dont think it hurts her, just enough to annoy her I think.
  • imageklv:
    I always wear a belt otherwise my pants would fall down.  If its too tight or poking the wrong place the baby lets me know it!  I dont think it hurts her, just enough to annoy her I think.

    Ditto this. If I sit in a funny position that puts too much pressure on my stomach, the LO kicks me, HARD. She lets it be known she's uncomfortable. :) 

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  • imageJaqiDec04:

    I always wear a belt otherwise my pants would fall down.  If its too tight or poking the wrong place the baby lets me know it!  I dont think it hurts her, just enough to annoy her I think.

    Ditto this. If I sit in a funny position that puts too much pressure on my stomach, the LO kicks me, HARD. She lets it be known she's uncomfortable. :) 

    haha ditto this, LO kicks me if he wants me to move : ) But I know how to sit/lay if I want to feel him!!!

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  • It would be more uncomfortable  for you than the baby but they do make maternity nylons and stalkings. I bought some maternity spanx the other day and I love them. I would invest in some!
  • The answer to your question is no for the same reason that it is completely safe to sleep on your stomach - even for all 40+ (well, + for some of us!) weeks of pregnancy.  Liquid cannot be compressed and is a great equalizer of pressure.  Your tight pants do not phase your baby whatsoever because he/she is safely snuggled in amniotic fluid that equalizes any pressure the pants put on your tummy - so he/she doesn't feel a thing!
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  • imageklv:
    I always wear a belt otherwise my pants would fall down.  If its too tight or poking the wrong place the baby lets me know it!  I dont think it hurts her, just enough to annoy her I think.

    This except I'm having a boy :)

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