Cloth Diapering

Where do I buy new GM?

I want some! You are all brain washig me lol jk.  I love some of the prints and now I need some, TIA.
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Re: Where do I buy new GM?

  • She only stocks prints on Fridays and the are VERY hard to get. Some sell new in package on spots corner (
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  • You need to hang out on her FB on Thursday to get previews, then sometime on Friday (usually with an hour or so of advance warning) she lists the diapers print by print (typically 4-5 prints) and then you have to click "buy now" in like a nanosecond before it sells out.


    image Lucy, 12/27/2009
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  • I'm selling my NIP Monkey love GM. It looks like this...

    If you're interested pm me :)

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • So everyone goes after 4-5 diapers every week or are there more of each print? This lady needs to get a store! I bet she would make tons of money if she sold them like BG or FB do!
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  • ??? Boy, am I out of the loop! When did "she" go back to being "just her"? She had a group or outside company doing the sewing a year or so ago. There was always stock of some kind in the store and it was more like a corporate thing than the Etsy-like thing that it is now. Interesting. I had no idea they were so hard to get. I have several, but they are being well used here.
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