I had my 35 week appointment today. So far we've been planning for a VBAC, but today one of the Dr's expressed her concern and said her professional opinion would be to go for the repeat c/s. She said they will back whatever I decide, but that was her opinion. There are two other Dr's and two midwives in this practice. I see a different Dr next week, so we'll see what she says.
With DS I was induced for high BP (although it remained normal the entire time I was in labor) I dilated pretty easily, but once it got to pushing he just wouldn't come down. I vaguely remember my OB saying she thought he was face up and that's what was making it difficult. After almost 2 1/2 hours of pushing they decided a c/s was best. They didn't feel comfortable using forceps because of my low platelet issues and we didn't know if DS had them as well, and they didn't want to cause any harm to him. So I had the c-section. He ended up being pretty decent sized, 8lbs 5oz, so I guess that could have contributed to the difficulty.
I'm dealing with the same platelet issues this time around, and my Dr today felt that this baby will also be on the larger size (although I know even growth u/s aren't always that accurate...so there's no way to really know) and she has a "feeling" that the same thing will happen again. This is the first time anyone has expressed any doubt and it's thrown me for a loop.
My recovery with #1 was not fun, between the exhaustion of being awake for more than 36 hours before I had him and then the c-section recovery...I was miserable for 6 weeks, couldn't even wear regular pants until then because my skin hurt so bad.
Part of me just feels like I should try the VBAC and if I still end up with the c/s I'll at least know that I tried....but part of me remembers how terrible my recovery was and I don't necessarily want to go through that again.
Ugghh, I know that nobody here can make a decision for me...I just needed a place to vent. The Dr. got me second guessing myself and I'm confused now!
Re: Any words of wisdom?
Such a tough decision for you!! Like you said, I would for sure take into consideration what the Dr. says next week and make a decision from there.
I went through something similar with DD...the Dr. believed she was big so I was induced, labored for 20+ hours, pushed for 2+ hours and then had a c-section. Ended up, she was just too big (8lbs. 6oz.) and no amount of pushing was moving her down the birth canal. So for me, I will not try for a VB if we have another. I believe that it's an issue with the size of my pelvis and I just don't want to go through that process again. Although it sounds like your recovery was a bit rougher than mine so I'm not sure how that would weigh into my decision (I had a fairly pain-free, easy recovery.)
Good luck to you as you make this decision!
Hmmm thats a tricky situation that when it comes down to it only you and DH can decide what is best for YOU. Did your dr. give any more explanation as to why she thought a c/s would be best instead of the vbac? I get that the ultrasound is showing a larger baby but if they didnt know for sure what caused your DS#1 not to come down its hard to say if that would happen again.
I'm not familiar at all with platelet issues but I would assume that having a vaginal delivery wouldnt bring about any additional health concerns since they were considering a VBAC in the first place (meaning they wouldnt have said it was a viable option in the beginning if it wasnt going to work out b/c of platelet issues).
For me personally, and this is just my personal opinion, I would wait and see what your dr says at the next appointment or try and schedule an appointment with another dr in your practice to get their unbiased opinion and I would be more inclined to still try a VBAC. If the size of the baby is their only concern, I know I would be pretty sad if I went with a c/s and ended up with a 6lb baby considering the farther along you are the less accurate sizing ultrasounds become (they can have a +/-2lb variance which is a HUGE difference).
You dont have to decide right this second, talk it over with your DH, call and talk with another dr or midwife to get another medical perspective and bust out the pen & paper to do your own pro/cons list. Having stuff written out on paper often helps me to calm my thoughts and get a more rational perspective on things, especially when it comes to something as emotional as child birth.
Another option would be to set up a birth plan with different stipulations such as start with attempting a vbac but in the case of xyz you would like to change plans and go with the c-section. If you want want to end up pushing for 2 hours w/ no progress talk with your dr's about the liklihood that after say 1 hour of pushing you could have the option of a c-section. I dunno just another idea. HTH! GL with whatever you choose-- in the end you will have your sweet baby in your arms and thats really all that matters :-)
I agree with pp- see what the doctor next week says. A second prof. opinion will definitely help you make your decision.
One thing to keep in mind is that if you do opt for c/s is that this time it would be scheduled. That is, you have an appt, you show up and are not pushing/straining yourself leading up to the c/s. That leads me to believe your recovery will be completely different. Just a thought. You also know what to expect, which I think makes a huge difference.
FWIW, I personally didn't think recovery from a vag birth was all that pleasant either. But I do think the 2nd time around is easier regardless of which way you go simply because you know what to expect.
GL in your decision!
All of this, especially the bolded. Good luck!
All I can give is my personal experience. I had a vaginal birth with DS. It was a 32 hour labor, with 3 hours of pushing, 4th degree tear with lots of sutures. Recovery was NO fun at all. But I still wanted to have a vaginal birth with DD. I would not even consider a c section. When it came down to it, after 15 hours of labor with DD, I ended up with a crash section, and there was no other option. They had her out in under 10 minutes. I was devastated (obviously, I was happy that I had a healthy baby) because I had not planned or even thought about having a section. My recovery was so much easier with the c section. If I am blessed with another baby, I will opt for the elective c section. I do think it would be even easier to not precede a c section with hours of exhausting labor.
That is just my experience from having both types of birth with my children. You need to follow your heart and do what you think is right for you. i do think that you are really looking at your options realistically, and I also think that trying vbac would be fine. Especially if you are ok with laboring and having to do a section anyway. I am reasonably sure they will not let you labor long if you are not progressing, so the exhaustion would be minimized by a shorter trial of labor if you needed to move to c section. You may do just fine and the vbac will go perfectly. I hope you can find the perfect answer for you. I do think you are considering all of the possibilities. Wishing you luck with your difficult decision.
I, too, would wait to see what the doctor says at your appointment next week, and then give it some hard thought.
My first delivery was very similar to yours -- my water broke on a Thursday evening, and I was in labor for over 24 hours after that. Combined with the pitocin that was supposed to speed things up, it was a very uncomfortable, trying time for me. The baby never came down at all and the official diagnosis was Failure to Progress. I ended up with a c-section 36 hours after my water broke. My recovery was not fun.
So the second time around, my doctor told me I could opt for a VBAC if I liked, but he felt I only had a 20% chance of being able to deliver vaginally. I jumped all over that repeat c-section. I didn't care if I ever felt another contraction again. My recovery after a scheduled c-section was positively blissful, despite having a rambunctious 2 year old in the house along with my newborn.
I guess I don't understand why people are so anxious to try for a VBAC after a c-section. I get that people don't want to go through unnecessary surgery, but the statistics given to me by my OB is only roughly 40-50% of VBACs are successful. Those odds aren't great. I think it's important to review the reasons for your first c-section and ask the doctor what the odds are of that happening again. If the odds aren't in your favor, I'd go with the c-section. Having that without active labor ahead of time makes a world of difference.
Tyler Anthony arrived on 9.21.09
The Chronicles of Justin and Tyler
I think for me part of the reason I'd like to attempt the VBAC is because I've never had that "OMG I think I'm in labor moment" Since I was induced, it was show up at 6pm, start pitocin etc. I know in reality it's not any less special to experience birth through a c-section, but I also wish I could experience delivering vaginally, getting to hold the baby right away, DH getting to cut the cord....and all the stuff that comes with a vaginal delivery.
And I know recovery after a vaginal delivery isn't great, or even good for plenty of people, and that plenty of people seem to have an easier recovery after a planned c-section. It's just hard to imagine a c-section recovery being good since all I know is a bad one. So I'm trying not to base my decision on what recovery may or may not be like because in the end I know I'll get through it either way.
I can tell you that with my second c-section, I was much more alert (thanks to a good night's sleep the night before) and wasn't in the discomfort of labor. My husband was with me the whole time, and he was able to watch (if he wanted), and he was able to cut the cord and hold the baby immediately. I got to hold the baby as soon as I was stitched up, so it wasn't long at all. I totally get the desire for "OMG I'm in labor" moment. But aside from that, the other aspects of a second c-section are actually pretty good, and in line with what you'd experience otherwise.
I hope you are able get what you really want, though.
Tyler Anthony arrived on 9.21.09
The Chronicles of Justin and Tyler
I had the same issues with my first DS he was face up and after 24 hours of labor and 4 hours of pushing I had a CS and he was 10 lbs. I was miserable after the CS and even ripped my scar open after returning home and was put on strict bed rest and was in constant pain.
When I became pregnant the second time I wanted to have a VBAC and with talking with other people (including my sister) I was convinced that having a repeat CS was the way to go. I was very nervous about the thought of going through it all again and the pain and at that time my DH was only home the weekends so I knew it would be double hard.
Fast forward to going into labor and doing the repeat CS I can say it was such a better experience all around. I was up walking the next day, driving 2 weeks later alone. I had no pain like the time before I think I was a lot more relaxed because I went into the hospital at a planned time got to eat,shower, and did my hair and make-up. I was relaxed and not exhausted after pushing and I knew what to expect afterward and I knew how to manage the pain better. I know the decision is hard but in the end you will make the decision that is best for you and your family.
I completely understand where you are coming from. I had a c/s after 28 hrs of labor, 24 hrs drug free. I just couldn't push her out and they found I have a uterine defect that was most likely the root of the problem. I also ended up knocked out during it and missed all of her first moments, and was so drugged and out of it afterwards.
One doctor said I could try VBAC if I wanted, the other advised that I could try but would probably end right back where I was. My recovery was horrible, much like what you described. The doctor who advised a repeat c/s said my recovery would most likely be so much easier without going through labor.
I would wait to see what the next doctor has to say, and then make up your mind based on that. Personally, I will most likely opt for a repeat. I would love to have those moments that people get with a vaginal birth, but it isn't worth it to then suffer through the recovery for the next 6-8 weeks and be even more miserable.