Single Parents

Last Name

so i need some help about what others would do my ex left me when i was about 20 weeks along sead some vary mean things that i will not repeat also sead he wanted an DNA becouse i was such a lyer i now he is the father i have not been with anyone els sens we have been together i had now him for 6 years befor we started dating and have been best friends with his sister sens high school after we bock up he wanted to know if i would give the baby his last name at first i was thinking hell no you want to be an ass to me and think that this baby is not even your but as i get closer to having her i think maybe i should give her his last name at this point its about 7 weeks later and he is not talking to me at all and says e want nothing to do with me or the baby and my thinking right now is if she is not going to have her father in her life maybe she should at least have a little part of him and im still friends with his sister and a lot of his family and i think it would mean a  to them but i know my family would be so mad at me for giving her his last name so dose any one have some advise on this or what would you do 

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Re: Last Name

  • don't. you will regret it. if you really feel strongly about it because your still close with his family, hyphenate it with your last name first.
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • No, don't give her his last name.
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  • Loading the player...
  • Do not give her his last name.
  • There is not one mark of punctuation in this entire paragraph.
  • Wow. You're 23? Did you pass 5th grade?
    Image and video hosting by TinyPicLilypie Third Birthday tickers
  • He says mean things about you.

    He is not talking to you at all.

    He wants nothing to do with you.

    He doesn't want anything to do with your child.

    Why would you want her to have his last name?


    As a side note, you should have been paying attention in your elementary language arts classes instead of screwing the boys.  

  • imagealibabbbs:
    There is not one mark of punctuation in this entire paragraph.


    Daisypath Wedding tickers
  • I could barely understand but from your thread subject, no, don't give your LO his last name
    Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers Lilypie Premature Baby tickers
  • give your child your last name- besides- it sucks having the two of you have differnt last names w appointments and such, especially when they call you by his father's last name... no thanks- i woudl rather be called by my name and my son as well.
  • Your post is unreadable. Tongue Tied  Seriously, my eyes hurt after trying to figure that out.

    1) Capitalize

    2) Punctuate

    3) Spell check

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  • thous of you who helped me out thank you vary much thous who just wanted to be mean about my grammar i have server dyslexia so yea i did pay attention in grammar school so i hope if your children ever get diagnosed with it you do not treat them like you just did me but again thank you for the help
    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • Attention:

    Ladies take your hand, place it under your chin, and close your mouths. Some of you women were very rude.  =X

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  • imageJlynnTheMom2011:


    Ladies take your hand, place it under your chin, and close your mouths. Some of you women were very rude.  =X

    Lol, thanks for the update. I'm not sure if we could have figured that one out on our own. What would we do without such smart people like you?
    Image and video hosting by TinyPicLilypie Third Birthday tickers
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