Jack and Emmy had their 2 month appt yesterday and my little "runts" are chunky monkies now!! Emmy was 9lbs 7oz and Jack was 9lbs 10oz!! They are actually showing up on the growth charts now too for 2 month olds (12% and 6% for weight!!). It's so hard to believe that 9 weeks ago when we came home from the hopsital they were 4lbs 4oz and 4lbs 8 oz. I'm so proud of them. And, to top it off, despite being totally prepared fro a horrible night last night (b/c they got two shots yesterday and I thought they'd be cranky), Jack decided to sleep 8 hours straight last night (not getting my hopes up though yet b/c he slept 7 hours straight last week but only for one night then back to 4 or 5 hours).
It's a good day today:) We need one of those every once in a while, right??
Re: My babies are getting BIG!!