Cloth Diapering

I started elimination communication with my son today!

So far he has peed twice in the bathtub and not at all  in his diaper.  Smiled a lot after he went, probably because I praised him so much.  I

 Do any of you do EC with your children?  I'm just interested in any tips or recommendations you might have. 

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Re: I started elimination communication with my son today!

  • We semi-EC.  I put him on the potty when he wakes up in the morning and after naps, and if I go to change his diaper and he's dry (but it's been a while) I'll sit him there.  If he's clingy and not letting me go anywhere by myself I'll sit him on his potty while I pee, etc.  I just find times throughout the day that work for us.

    I'll give him a toy or read him a book while he's sitting so he hangs out longer.  We've had 4 catches in the past 2 days, which I'm VERY excited about, lol. 

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  • We started part time ECing on H's 6month birthday. The first day we has zero accidents and he was diaper free all day, he responded amazingly to my "pisssss" que and I knew we would stick with it from that day on. We have diaper free time after he goes pee on the potty, then I put a diaper back on for naps, bedtime, gong outside ect.. But I always give him a potty break after I change a diaper and 90% of the time he pees within 20 seconds of putting him on the potty, sometimes he likes to stand (with my help) and shoot the pee in the toliet like a big boy, and he usually makes a little grunt to start peeing especially when he doesn't really need to go and he'll pee just a little, it's too funny. It really is an amazing thing being able to comunicte with your LO about their needs.
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  • OK, I'm a FTM and don't know what this is. I'm intrigued. Please explain.
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  • Basically you learn when your baby needs to pee or poo and you hold them over a vessel to catch it in.  I'm using the bathtub because it is unpredictable how far he will pee.  My midwife suggested this to me because LO often pees over the edge of the change table when being changed.  He also crys to be change immediately when he pees in his diaper.  Cloth diapering works well with EC because the baby can feel when they are wet.

     I found a great website today if you want to learn more about it.   you can watch this video which explains it as well

    So far, we have caught 3 pees today and missed 2.  But that is three diapers I don't have to wash.   I have been keeping him diapered then removing it when we get to the bathroom.

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  • I've done VERY part time EC with DS since about 4 months old. He has good stretches and bad stretches... he's not in a particularly good stretch right now. He is just so busy these days that he usually doesn't want to stop what he's doing to sit on the potty. So potty times are usually brief, and don't involve actual peeing/pooping. Which is fine!

    When he's in a good stretch, about 90% of his poops go in the potty -- I LOVE not having to change (and scrape!) dirty diapers! And he pees a lot in the potty, too.

    He is not at all bothered by being in a dirty diaper, so I'm amazed that EC'ing works at all for him.

    I mostly hope that it helps with PT'ing down the road. Not that I'm in a rush, but with DD, it was such a struggle to just help her understand that it was OK to go in the potty. Especially with pooping. I'm hoping that since DS has been going in the potty for months already, at least we'll already be past THAT hurdle when it comes time to PT.

    Mommy to DD1 (June 2007), DS (January 2010), DD2 (July 2012), and The Next One (EDD 3/31/2015)

  • We started part-time ECing when DD was around 6 months old and she did really well right off the bat, but we've been lazy about it lately. Usually we just put her on her potty before and after waking up and she almost always goes within 30 seconds. It's pretty fun to see how easy it can be and to open up a dry diaper now and again!
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