DD has been in underwear since before Christmas. This week she has had an accident every day and yesterday and today she's had 3! DH is at the end of his rope. I am nearing mine. His suggestion is to put her back on diapers. I disagree. I don't think she is sick. The accidents seem to be when she is preoccupied with something. For example, three days this week at daycare, she had the accidents while they were outside. Any suggestions? Do I need to go back to timing her? She is already nap and night trained too. Gah!
Re: HELP! PT related
Have her help clean up the accidents. Keep it positive. "We don't want to have to clean up messes, so you should try to go potty now." Or after she has an accident, "this is so yucky. I don't like cleaning up accidents, do you?" I had Nat (when I was PT her even) clean up the pee, wipe the floor, rinse her clothes out, take the clothes to the laundry, get new clothes, and take the trash out to the garage trash.....so it was a lot of work, and I reminded her that by using the potty would keep us from doing all that - and I stressed all the playtimes she was missing, "Ben is playing Legos while we clean up. He must be having more fun than us."
I wouldn't go back to diapers - she is obviously on to the clues, she's probably just getting lazy about it.
Stay the course. Keep her in underwear. Tell her to go potty before you go outside/get in the car/watch a favourite show...whatever. Ask the daycare to potty her the same way before heading out.
The novelty of using the potty may have worn off for her, but too bad. Diapers are for babies and she is a big girl. Big girls use the potty.
Good luck.