We have OS Bumgenius 3.0, but now that DS is one yo (24 lbs, 31 in), they seem small to me. especially around the legs, the elastic there is always very marked inDS's skin.
is this common? are there bigger sized diapers than you'd recommend getting?
PS. we have another LO on the way, so we're buying more diapers anyways
Re: OS bumgenius look small
I like Blueberry pockets. DD is about your DS's size and has huge thighs and BB works a lot better for her than BG.
I don't know about the 3.0s, but our BG 4.0s fit DD fine and are still snapped down one, and she's 21ish pounds and 27 inches.
Happy Heinys fit her very well too, as do Blueberries. I love both. But she's definitely a chunk and has chunky thighs.