Cloth Diapering

Critique my planned stash/wish list

I think I've mentally bought my stash about a hundred times, and since this is my first kid I really have no idea exactly how many of what I need.  Here's my current planned stash (or maybe it's more of a wish list...), what do you think? I think I want to use prefolds/cotton fitteds for before her cord falls off, then add in some fleece/night fitteds as she grows.  AIOs for the grandmas or when we're on the go, same with the flushable inserts.  I'd eventually love to use fitteds/wool covers for night.  I figure you can never have too many prefolds and that I should wait to buy bigger sizes until I figure out what works best?

All I've purchased so far is one PUL cover (super cute print) and one organic bamboo fleece fitted from a couple Etsy sellers. 

2 dozen NB GMD prefolds (Orange edge)

3 dozen Small GMD prefolds (Yellow edge)

18 NB GMD workhorse fitteds

24 Small GMD workhorse fitteds

12 GMD Infant (NB) fitteds (not the workhorse fitteds)

6 of each size GMD hemp doubler (small, regular, stay dry, night)

4 size 1 Weehuggers covers hook and loop

4 size 1 Weehuggers covers snaps (if I like these and they work as well as I *hope*, 8 size 2s also)

4 NB Bummis Super Brite covers 

6 Small Bummis Super Brite covers

2 Thirsties Duo covers size 1

2 Kissas wool covers

2 Disana wool covers

2 Kissa's OS AIOs

2 XS Sposoeasy AIOs 

gDiapers flushable inserts for use in the Weehuggers covers

I'd also like to try a couple gDiapers covers with gCloth as well.

Thanks for your help!   


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Re: Critique my planned stash/wish list

  • Have you ever used prefolds before (caring for another baby)? It seems like you're going pretty whole hog into that system. I bought a dozen prefolds and was so excited to use them and I really hate them. I just find the folding, pinning, etc. a complete PITA. Some love them, though.

    I really think the very best thing to do is one of the diaper trials. I think Jilllians Drawers has a good one as does Kelly Closet. Play around a bit and see what you like. If you end up needing to use disposables for a couple weeks while you work it out, it's no biggie.

    Or if you want a complete newborn stash from day 1, I'd probably invest in Kissas fitteds or similar and some AIOs for easy overnight changes. But, again, I'm a prefold hater. :0


    image Lucy, 12/27/2009
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  • imagejenny1980:

    Have you ever used prefolds before (caring for another baby)? It seems like you're going pretty whole hog into that system. I bought a dozen prefolds and was so excited to use them and I really hate them. I just find the folding, pinning, etc. a complete PITA. Some love them, though.

    I really think the very best thing to do is one of the diaper trials. I think Jilllians Drawers has a good one as does Kelly Closet. Play around a bit and see what you like. If you end up needing to use disposables for a couple weeks while you work it out, it's no biggie.

    Or if you want a complete newborn stash from day 1, I'd probably invest in Kissas fitteds or similar and some AIOs for easy overnight changes. But, again, I'm a prefold hater. :0


    I agree with everything said here. For #2 I will be getting a dozen GMD newborn prefolds, 2 nb covers, and a dozen KL0s. I already have a dozen small prefolds, 1 nb cover, 2 smal covers, and a dozen OS pockets. I was a prefold hater for the first month, and then I grew to like them. LO prefers the pockets though.

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  • I agree with pp about not needing that many prefolds but I also don't think you'll need that many fitteds and covers either. You only need about 4-6 covers so with the duo wraps I think you could get away with 2-4 in each NB and small. I would maybe only get 6 nb and 6 small gmd workhorse fitteds with the 12 infant gmd fitteds. The infant over lap with the nb and small so you'd still have about 18 fitteds at all times until about 13lbs which is when os diapers/fitteds will start fitting really well. Also not sure you need that many doublers right away. I think small regular and maybe a few stay dry but you don't need night right away. Also for a cheaper stay dry option you can go get fleece from walmart or on clearance at joanns and cut it into inserts and lay those on top of the diapers for stay dry feeling. For what its worth I had 18 nb/small gmd prefolds and ended up hating them and never using them and you will not get back what you paid even if they are new and you took all the time to prep them. I'd say get a dozen nb/small to try and you can always buy more if you end up loving them :)
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Also, especially given that the GMD prefolds are sized, you're just going to have to buy them all over again when the baby is about 4 months old. Mine won't fit in the orange or yellow sized ones anymore, and she's barely 14 pounds.

    2 dozen NB GMD prefolds (Orange edge)
    3 dozen Small GMD prefolds (Yellow edge)
    18 NB GMD workhorse fitteds
    24 Small GMD workhorse fitteds
    12 GMD Infant (NB) fitteds (not the workhorse fitteds)

     From what I can see here, you are buying 44 diapers she'll only be able to use for the first months (or 2, if you're lucky), and you are buying SIXTY diapers that she'll only be able to use from about 2-4 months old.

    SIXTY diapers. That's twice my entire stash, that I'm hoping to use until she PT. 

    I'd cut down on that significantly. Maybe 2 doz Orange PF (becaus eyou need SO Many diapers for the NB phase), 1 doz yellow PF, EITHER the workhors NB fitteds or the other NB fitteds, 1 doz small fitteds, and then decide from there if you want to keep with the GMD system and buy reds or medium fitteds, or if you want to try a different brand of fitteds or maybe some AIOs.

    That gives you 36 NB diapers, 30 2-4 month diapers (counting the OS), and more money for you to decide what system you really want going forward. 


  • Thanks for the advice, ladies!  You all make very good points.  I think I was afraid of not having enough diapers...even though I plan to do laundry every two days at the most.  I will definitely decrease the number of prefolds - I have used them before but I think the learning curve with DH could be steep and my hunch is he'll prefer the GMD fitteds (which have snaps) over trying to fold and pin/Snappi the PFs.  I do think I'll keep a higher number of covers on the list though, again just because DH has never diapered before (not even disposable) so I have a feeling we'll go through covers more quickly until he gets the hang of it.

     I really appreciate the input - it's so hard to know how many to get for the NB stage and first few months especially not knowing which ones will work best for us!  And of course I'm having a hard time refraining from buying larger sizes or more OS dipes for the later months, but I know I have to wait until we've figured out what we like.

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic Lilypie First Birthday tickers
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