Hey There -
I was relieved to read your post and know it wasn't just me going through this! I think it's much harder to quit for twin mothers because there is twice as much milk and another little one to convince that this is no longer happening!
I was able to drop the morning feeding again pretty easily and now we are back to working on the nap time. I got out the pump and I guess I'll be using that to ease the transition, not eactly the most romantic way to end such a journey, but I really don't want to get mastitis again!
Thank you for your encouragement. I hope things are going better for you, keep me posted!!
Re: **Imronburgundy?**
Hey girl - thanks so much for writing!!?
?I have to say I was so relieved to hear from someone else who was going through the same thing - it was crazy reading your post, as it felt like I had been going through the EXACT same thing, so it's nice to have some company! ?I am glad we both made it so far in BFing, and in that respect i have nothing to complain about - but man, is it tough to quit for so many different reasons! ?
?That is great that you were able to drop the morning feeding. ?I dropped that one a couple of months ago and also found that to be the easiest to drop. ?It's the evening feeding that is hard on all of us - my girls are tired, emotional, and want comfort - and my boobs are, well, full. ?Ha ha. ?We've been doing this thing where we all pile on the glider together and "cuddle" while they drink sippy cups of milk - and then, every other night or so, I've had to pump. ? I haven't BFed or pumped in 2 days though...we'll see how tonight goes. ?
?Best wishes! ?I hope you don't get mastitis either - I hear it's awful! ?Keep me posted as well!